Chapter 1

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Yo, this is my first story so let me introduce myself my name is Alisha or Ally-chan. I love Nalu so I thought I'd write I fanfiction on it soooo yeah. The characters belong to Hiro Mashima and front cover belongs to um someone. I know you're probably like why is she telling me this again, well some people don't like reading summaries so anyway enjoy chapter 1 ;)


Lucy's POV






*Sighs and goes back to sleep*

~30 minutes later~

I woke up and stretched, that was such a good dream about flying cats. They are all so cute especially the blue one that says AYE All the time.

I glanced up at my alarm clock.



I shot out of my bed.



I ran out of my room like a maniac and started to get ready.

Oh sorry I forgot my name is Lucy Heartfilia, I am the only child of Layla and Jude Heartfilia. I'm 17. I've got blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. My mother died because of a rare sickness (*insert little sob*) but don't worry, if ya thinking my dad abuses me or something, he doesn't, my dad treats me like a princess. I just moved to Magnolia with him and i enrolled in the prestigious Fairy Tail high and todays my first day. Plus the good thing is we don't have to wear uniforms! YAY!

I said bye to my dad and I ran out of the door.


My car keys!

I run back inside and grabbed my car keys.

Take two!

I ran out of the door and hopped in to my cute blue beetle, then quickly drove to school.

~10 minutes later~

Yes! I made it in time with minutes to spare.

I'm driving around the school parking lot trying to find a parking and then...


A parking space right in front of the school with my name on it!

Just my luck!

I drove quickly to the spot and I almost made it but....



A pink expensive looking car drove right past me and into the space.

God damn it!

A girl with white short hair with expensive looking sunglasses and manicure pulled down the window.

"Oh I'm sorry did you want this space." She cackled all scary like. (*insert witch cackle*)

"No no you can have it I didn't want to park there anyway." I said with a fake smile but inside I was fuming.

"Hey are you new here?" She asked.


"Well hun let me give you some advice, this is my school so don't get any funny ideas like going near my Diamond Squad 'cause only people that HAVE a social life are welcome." She said while she got out of her ugly pink car and strutted towards the school.

"Oh and STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND!" She said really loud that I'm thinking she got a megaphone stuck in her throat.

I cover my ears and nodded. She gave me a sick smile and walked off again, then stops.


"One more thing, you look ugly as hell and even the nerds wouldn't want to be near you." She cackled again (*insert another witch cackle*) and sashayed away.

How dare she!


I forgot...

I looked down at myself. I was wearing black leggings, a white shirt with an oversized blue ugly sweater, worn out sneakers, black thick hipster glasses and my hair was in a messy bun.

I forgot I'm freaking nerd.

How does she even have a boyfriend with that bitchy attitude?

I sighed and started looking for a new parking space.

~After a while~

Yes! Finally I found a parking space that was all the way at the back, but still I'm happy.

I got out of my car, locked it and made my way to the school's office.

Well I knew today was gonna be an adventure...

I didn't know it would be this exciting *sigh* (NOTE THE SARCASM)

End of chapter 1



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