Chapter 3

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Hi Hi!! It's Ally-chan with chapter 3 anywho I still don't get why people even read this but thanks! Still no one has voted... oh well wut ever enjoy chapter 3 *-*


Lucy's POV

Damn I can't find the freaking office!

I've been wandering around the school completely lost, looking for the school office.

Why do they make it sooooo hard for the new students! *sigh*

While I was doing my little rant in my head I didn't notice that a slammed into a person.



Just great my first encounter turned out like this.

Way to go Lucky Lucy.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" A blue haired petite girl said as she helped me up.

"Nah it's okay."

"Hi I'm Levy Mcgarden! Are you new here?"

"Yeah I am, my name is Lucy Heartfilia!"

"Nice to meet you Lu-Chan, do you need help with anything?" Levy asked.

'Yeah I need to get to the school office, but I'm kinda lost." I said and sweat dropped.

"I can take you there." She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the school office.


At least I made a friend.

I think?

~A few minutes later~

"We're here!" Levy-Chan announced as she let go of my hand and walk to the school office front desk that had a pretty white haired lady sitting there.

"Konichiwa Miss Strauss!"

"Hiya Levy! What brings ya here?"

"Lucy here is a new student and needs her class schedule."

"Oh hello Lucy I'm Miss Strauss or Mira Jane, I'm the lady in charge of the school front desk, do you mind if telling me your full name please?" she said giving me a wide smile.

"Konichiwa Miss Strauss my name is Lucy Heartfilia it's nice to meet you."

"Oh yes just wait a minute please." She said as she rummaged through one of her drawers.

"Here ya go Lucy, hope I see you often and I can even match you up with someone." She said the last part in a whisper and her eyes started to sparkle with an evil glint.

I don't know what she meant by that but I won't question her.

"Uh thank you Miss Strauss." I said with an awkward smile and turned to Levy.

"Do you know where homeroom 3F is?" I asked her.

"3F?! Yes you're in the same homeroom as me!" She squealed as she looked up at the clock in the office.

"Oh crap we've got homeroom in 5 minutes let's move!" She shrieked as she grabbed my hand and dashed out of the office leaving a waving Mira Jane.


Another drag ride.

~After the lovely drag ride~

Oh good the ride is over.

I walked into the room with Levy-Chan and all I saw was a bunch of weird peeps.

Look let me explain, I saw a...

A guy only in his boxers.

Girl drunkard that was still drinking beer in school grounds!

A girl with blue curly hair that was ogling the naked guy.

A scary red haired girl that was shouting also at the naked guy.

A guy that keeps saying MAN!

A guy with creepy metal piercings.


Just give me a moment

*Breathes in*

*Breathes out*










Whoopeedy Fucking Doo!

End of chapter 3


Soz can't be bothered writing the schedule...

so yeah

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