StevexReader➳Warm Milk

26.5K 999 563

Words: 502

Warnings: none

Requested by: BaguetteBarnes (super cute idea so I hope I did it justice girl! Thanks for all of the support xx)


You watched the sun setting over the New York skyline with the rest of the Avengers when Steve whipped out his drawing book. Once the sun was fully gone and the sky was a deep midnight blue colour you got up along with the rest of the group, except Steve.

'Aren't you coming, Cap?' You asked.

You took a step towards him when he closed his book with a hasty snap.

'In a second.' He said blushing slightly.

You'd taken a liking to the Captain but the only one who knew at the moment was your best friend; Natasha Romanoff.

'What're you working on anyways?' You asked.

Steve rubbed the back of his neck nervously before smiling slightly.

'Nothing really.' He replied just above a whisper as he avoided making eye contact with you.

You let out a slightly irked sigh before heading inside to get ready for bed. You lay awake wondering what Steve could possibly be working on that was so secret until the point where you couldn't sleep. You got out of bed and padded into the kitchen area to grab some warm milk in hopes that it'd help you get to sleep. Glancing over as you placed your milk in the microwave you saw something that caught your eye; Steve asleep on the couch but more importantly, his book open on the ground next to him. Being as silent as you could muster you walked over and picked up his book.

'What've we got here?' You whispered to yourself when you saw the open page.

The drawing you saw almost made you drop the book completely. Flipping to more and more pages you felt yourself beaming when you realized all of those times Steve would be drawing, he was drawing you. He shifted in his sleep and you knew what you'd need to do next. Pecking his cheek lightly you saw his eyes open and a blush fill his cheeks.

'(Y/N), what're you doing?' He asked as he groggily sat up.

You felt your cheeks grow hot as he saw his drawing book in you hand.

'God I'm so sorry-' He murmured as he held his face in his hands.

'Why're you sorry?' You questioned because you genuinely didn't understand.

'Do you not think it's creepy?' He asked removing his hands so you could see his face.

You smiled slightly before taking one of his bugger hands in your own.

'I think it's sweet.' You cooed.

He flashed you a smile you'd grown to love before you hesitantly leant in and kissed his tender and warm lips.

'Who left their milk- oh, get some girl.' Natasha's voice could be heard before you and Steve broke apart.

'Feisigh leat!' You cursed at her in native Irish.

You'd forgotten that Steve parents were from Ireland and only remembered when you heard him scold you.

'Language.' He muttered.

You shooed Natasha away before snuggling with Steve on the couch, no warm milk needed for the relaxing sleep you had that night.

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