5 - Beginning of an Ending

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<<Peter's POV>>

The rain hits the window and thunder goes off. I stare out the window and here TV playing in the background. I hear the news playing and Derek talking to Raven in the background to this dramatic moment.

I have thoughts in my head going through my mind. Especially about Malia and her mother, who is the desert wolf. I sigh and turn around looking at Raven and his blue skin.

He's gotten comfortable with his blue skin. He entertains Derek and Derek has fallen in love with the bisexual blue shape shifter. Raven with me is as cold hearted as me but deadlier. I've trained him to use his powers and i accept him.

I look at Raven and Derek asks Raven to transform back into his human form. Raven listens and does so, I hear his heart beat rise in anger. Knowing Raven, he doesn't like being judged especially when people tell him how he should live his life or the way he should look.

To Raven that's an insult and another step to draw him closer to me. Derek's phone beeps and he looks at it. He sighs and gets up, Raven looks up at him concerned.

"What is it?" Raven asks in his new voice.

"It's Scott, I'll be back in an hour or so?" Derek tells Raven in a confused and scared tone. Derek walks out the door and Raven turns off the TV. I hear Raven shape shift, it sounds like pages being flipped fast. He sighs and i hear his footsteps coming to me.

"What are you starring at?" Raven asks me in a soft, smooth, and echoed voice.

"The rain?" I say in an obvious tone. "You okay?"

"Yeah?" He says in a sad voice.

"You can tell me anything you want Raven, I'm here for you." I say and he smiles a little.


<<Stiles's POV>>

I lay in bed starring at the ceiling with Malia beside me. She's quiet and the storm has been getting louder and louder. I still get flashbacks of Raven aiming the gun at Trask. Why did she do that? There has to be a reason to her violence.

"What are you thinking of again?" Malia asks in a tired voice.


"What about him?"

"Just thinking about the whole Trask situation." I say and look at her opening her eyes.

"Maybe he wanted to kill him? You know Stiles, death changes everyone." Malia says and i agree. Raven's friends are all dead except for Jean. Allison's death had an impact on Scott the most, especially that i was possessed by a demon and had Allison killed by the Oni's.

"Do you think he was paid to do something like this? Especially that Peter lives with Raven, and we all know how he is."


"Right." I say and she cuddles on my chest resting her hair all over my body. I see a lightning strike and thunder goes off 5 seconds later. "Do you think Peter, made her?"

"Well he's rich and manipulative. I wouldn't be surprised if Raven did so." She says and i get up from the bed. "Stiles don't worry about it, it's over anyways. There's nothing you can do anymore." Malia says trying to put me back in bed with her.

"You're right." I say and kiss her.


<<Raven's POV>>

"You're not hitting right!" Peter gets frustrated with me.

"I don't need to, it's already in my blood to attack how i want to."

"Exactly with your superhuman agility. But you need to control, think about your next move!" He says tapping his head. "Again!" Peter says grabbing a gun with no ammo.

He points it at me and my first instinct is to grab the gun and punch him in the throat. He bends over and i knee him in the face and jump over him and rise my leg and drop it on his back causing him to fall to the ground. I grab the gun and disarm it and drop all the pieces into the ground.

I turn my back on him and i get his presence near me. He swipes his claws and i duck down and swipe my leg under neath him causing him to fall down. He jumps up and his eyes are glowing blue, he's turned into a werewolf. He dashes into me and since i'm in front of a wall i cartwheel to the side and Peter crashes into the wall.

I stand up and shape shift into him taking out fake claws. I smirk at him and he looks at me. He takes his claws out and we start fighting. He tries to claw my face but i bend back grabbing his wrist. I spread them wide apart and kick his face with my foot, i jump up on him and get behind him holding his arms and kick his back. I let go of him and walk away, Peter turns around and i jump up to kick him in the face as i shape shift into my self. I kick his face and he falls to the ground like i do, except i fall on my feet.

Peter gets back up cracking his knuckles and then cracking his neck. He fixes his shirt and then applauds me.

"Learned from the best." I say and wink at him. He smirks and pulls me in close to him and he kisses me. Just like Erik would, he reminds so much of Erik that he could be him. Just slightly more older and more, attractive.

"Again." He says pushing me off of him and we fight again.


<<Scott's POV>>

I wait for Derek's car to pull up at the warehouse. I stare at a picture i took of Raven smiling in his human form but not in his natural form. The rain pours down hard like hail almost.

I need Derek now since i can't figure out what to do with the person i found in the warehouse. Derek's black camero pulls up into the ware house and he gets out slamming the door. He looks at me and i walk to the little quarantine i made for the girl.

I walk inside starring at Lydia standing by the girl tied up to a chair surrounded by mountain ash in a circle.

"Who is she?" Derek asks and i shrug.

"A witch." Lydia says starring into Derek's eyes.

"And you kidnapped her?"

"Not exactly." I say and nod at Lydia. Lydia walks over to the witch taking off the duck tape off her mouth.

"I'm going to kill you all when i get out of here." The witch says and then looks at me. "Especially you." She says and spits at me but misses badly.

"Why are you here?" Derek asks and looks into her eyes.

"Raven Darkholme." She says starring into Derek's eyes. She hasn't mentioned anything about Raven the whole time. "You love him!" She says in a baby voice.

"What?" I say and look at Derek confused.

"Do i have to spell out to you, Scott. He doesn't like you." She says and then Lydia breaks the mountain ash. Derek quickly grabs the witch by the neck, he rises her body and pushes her against the wall.

"How do you know about Raven?" Derek says threatening the witch.

"The real question is, Is he safe right now?" The witch says and laughs hysterically. Raven should be with Peter, but knowing Peter, this could all be part of his master plan. Derek looks angry and throws the witch to the floor. He exits the quarantine and Lydia throws mountain ash around the witch.

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