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Michael smirked slightly at my answer and we were off once again, walking in such perfect sync, you would think we were possibly in love.

"so, do you wanna go back to my place? I live just down the block. you can watch my band practice..." Michael looked down to me and smiled softly.

I looked at his eyes that seemed to glimmer in the sunlight and his hair that was so perfectly styled.

without thinking I answered, "I'd love to."


did I actually say yes?

I need to go back home and figure out my plan to break him.

well, I guess I could use more research...and his house would be the best place to learn more about him.

I mean, I can't really go back now.

next thing I knew, Michael and I were running around the park in a bee line as he "led" me to his house.

"we're just running in circles!" I giggled as Michael kept running around, our hands never leaving each other.

"fine! fine! this way" Michael reached his free hand out to the sky and formed a fist, obviously trying to be a super hero.

after a while of us running, then walking, then giggling, we finally reached Michael's house.

he led me to the front door and quickly reached into his pocket. after pulling out a bundle of keys, he put one into the door and unlocked it.

the fresh smell of what seemed to be roses hit me as soon as we stepped inside his home.

"sorry about the smell. my sister is having a phase where everything, and I mean everything, has to be rose scented," Michael rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Michael? Michael, is that you?" a booming female voice called from upstairs.

"yeah, ren!" Michael's voice boomed even louder than the one that called out to him, although it seemed as if he barely out any effort into making his loud at all.

"is Luke with you?" the voice from upstairs asked.

Michael's shoulders dropped and he looked at me as he sighed.

"that's my sister. she's absolutely in love with my friend Luke," he explained and I smiled while shaking my head.

"no, he's not!" Michael yelled back to Ren.

Michael walked into the kitchen and I followed, not knowing what else to do, "so, what now?"

he gestured me to sit down in one of the chairs and I complied, slowly and gracefully sitting in the chair, then leaning on the counter as I watched Michael look through the fridge only a few feet away.

"well, practice is in about twenty minutes, so we can go upstairs to my room for a few..." Michael suggested and I couldn't help but burst into giggles.

"what's so funny?" he asked, looking slightly insulted.

I tried to hold back my laughs and catch my breath, "it's just, we met today! we're already hanging out in each other's rooms. like, I've never had a friendshi- a, um, whatever, go this quickly before. I just find it amusing how drawn I am to you."

Michael strutted towards me and leaned on the counter, in which I was also leaning while sitting.

"I was thinking the exact same thing. it's quite odd for me to be so straight forward, but I just really fucking like you," Michael took his bottom lip in between his teeth, causing chills to run throughout my body.

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