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my name is Alice.

well, as of now, it's Alice.

I've been Alice, Alison, Aria, Amber, and soon, I'll be Adeline.

I'm a writer. A vicious writer with horrible intentions, but a great story line.

I break boys hearts with my lies. I'm a fake. a liar. a fabulist.

this is how my evilly amazing plan came to be.


I was a freshman in high school.

so innocent.

well, not really.

truthfully, not at all.

all I yearned for, and still want, was to be a successful writer.

so, I did what I felt was necessary.

I asked my English teacher such childish questions.

"what is it like to write a story, start to finish?"

"how do you know if it's a good story line?"

"do you think someone like me could be a writer?"

it wasn't until I asked that last question that I was given the boost to start my beautifully evil plan.

"do you think someone like me could be a writer?" I asked the man, my puppy dog eyes showing so gracefully.

"well, of course. but to be'll have to have a radiant story line. it must be something captivating. something breath taking," he looked at me with judging eyes and pursed lips.

"obviously. every author wants their story to be absolutely outstanding. that's a given," I rolled my eyes at his response.

"but, Alice, you'll have to lie, cheat, and climb your way to the top," he sounded so cautious. almost as if he was trying to persuade me out of the glorious idea of writing.

"well, good thing I was born a fabulist," I smirked at him, showing my self confidence.

I grabbed my bag off of my desk and started to head out of his classroom.

"Alice?" the English teacher called out to me.

"yes, sir?" I turned around on my heel to face him.

"what exactly is a fabulist?" he asked with wide eyes.

"a liar. someone who makes elaborate stories. someone like me."


from that moment, my plan was in place.

I vowed to make my story line the craziest there was.

and, of course, that kind of story line had to do with love.

how did I make it different than any other love story out there?

I made mine based on heart break.

so, since that moment after class, I've been breaking boys hearts.

my plan is quite simple really.

each summer, I go on vacation to a town that isn't that far away and change my name. once there, I find a boy and make him fall in love with me. after I know I have him in the palm of my hand, I break it off with no explanation.

the whole test is to basically see how easy it is to deceive someone; how easy it is truly make a man fall in love with you.

so far, it's been amazing.

I've had three "boyfriends" and each of them have fallen deep in love with me, making my story even more juicy.

yes, it's evil. it's quite mean...but boy does it make me proud to have this story.

now, I need one more.

just one more boy to make this all complete.

so, now that I've graduated high school, I need this one to be be crazy.

I think, maybe, I might just make him fall so far into love with me, he won't believe what hit him when I say goodbye.

so, now that that's all out in the open, I can talk about how my story with the last boy began.


I walked out of my house and took a breath, looking across the ocean in front of my balcony.

"I love Sydney so much. I wish I never had to leave," I sighed and stepped back inside, rubbing my mug of coffee to warm my hands.

after getting dressed and having eggs for breakfast, I headed out.

my drive was full of myself singing the lyrics to the All Time Low songs blasting from my radio until I reached the park a few streets from my house.

I got out of my car and walked to the bench near the swings.

after reaching in my bag, I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing the scene in front of me.

I was startled by someone tapping on my shoulder.

I looked to both of my sides, but didn't see anyone.

I heard a chuckle coming from above me, so I looked up.

towering above me was a very attractive man; tattoos on his arms and his hair colored blonde.

"oh! um, hello there..." I giggled and looked down, embarrassed.

"hello, gorgeous," he walked around the bench and sat down next to me, coming quite close.

I quickly put my drawing on the other side of my body in an attempt of hiding it.

"I actually already saw what you were drawing while I was standing there. it was beautiful," he smiled at me as his eyes glistened.

"oh, thank you. not many people know that I draw. I really don't think I'm that great, but thank you," I flashed him a slight smile and batted my eyelashes.

"I've never seen you around here. did you move here recently?" he asked, actually looking interested in my life.

"what if you've just never noticed me?" I said, smirking at him.

I was on vacation, but I wanted to hear what he would say.

"well, with a face like yours, I don't think you'd go unnoticed," he blushed at his own words and looked down towards his lap.

I smiled, but covered my face with both hands.

"you probably say that to every girl you see at the park," I giggled and looked up at him.

he tucked the hair that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear and took his bottom lip under his top teeth.

"no, you're the only one, princess," he leaned towards me, obviously going for a kiss.

this could be the boy.

the last boy I need to complete my plan.

I've already got him like putty in my hands.

I leaned back slowly and smirked as he reopened his eyes.

he blushed fiercely and leaned back himself.

"I never even caught your name!" he said excitedly.

"a-Adeline. my name's Adeline," I bit my lip and smiled.

"and yours?" I looked at his captivating eyes.

"Michael. Michael Clifford."

hi lol
okay so I stopped writing because of school but now that we're on break, I'm going to do some touch ups to this story and eventually get this one rolling again:-)
thanks to those people that actually stuck around !

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