Chapter 2

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*Emily's POV*

<Halfway through the year>

I plopped my bag down on the cold, white tile floor with a few marks on it.

So far my first year of high school has been going just like any other school year, except just older and more freedom. I just hated my schedule. I had some nice teachers, but sadly I only had my friends in three out of the six, not including lunch, classes. I had gotten pretty used to my schedule now and didn't have to look down every ten seconds like it was a map or something. I was in, no more like trapped in my least favorite hour, geography. I mean I liked it and all just was never really good at it, like I always struggled at remembering the dates and stuff. None of my friends were in this class and it seemed like they wanted to make this class a living hell for me cause everyone that seriously annoys me is in here. So I sit at the edge of the room, sort of in the back. All the other kids sit on the other side a few rows away and talk, and talk. Like all they ever do is cause trouble. So I'm 100 percent positive my teacher thinks I'm 'That one kid' who has no friends and never talks. (Not trying to offend anyone just for the story!)

She started giving instructions about taking notes but I was zoned out...again. I've been thinking about the twins a lot lately. My parents still don't know about them, I don't know why but if I tell them I feel like there gonna flip or something.

After a long dreadful hour the bell finally sounded through out the hallways. So now I was off to my last hour, which luckily had my friends in it.

My friends know who the Dolan twins are, but they don't know that I am obsessed with them, I've kinda been keeping quite about them.


I was finally released from school for today and my mom was in the line to pick me up.

"So how was your day?"

"Mom are you seriously gonna ask me this every day?"

"Well I just wanted to know"

I laughed and answered "Well it's always gonna be the same answer"

"Ok then"


At home I laid down on my bed and my phone buzzed from across the room. I shot up and ran over to it looking through my junk that was never really needed just there. I finally found it and as soon as I picked it up and saw what was on the screen immediately through it back down.

I can't believe what I just saw. This can't be happening...could it? I mean seriously me out of all people?

I had to be dreaming. This is not real. Holy shit.

Grayson Dolan just followed me. Grayson freaking Dolan!

I glanced down once again just to make sure.

I clicked on his Twitter and sure enough by his username there was a little shaded box that said 'Follows You'

I immediately went to my Twitter profile and typed a new tweet. 'OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH GRAYSON I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG!! I LOVE YOU!"

A few people replied with a 'congrats' or 'that's awesome!' but I didn't pay attention to them I was just so happy they my idol followed me!


Back at home I was currently reading a watt pad story when my mother called me down. "Honey come meet the new neighbors!"


I sighed and rolled out of bed which consisted of me falling face first into the floor. I mumbled some cuss words and got up only to have my mother yell at me once again. "Hurry up honey we don't have all day!"

I stumbled down the steps, without colliding into anything, which is impressive if you ask me...

I turned the corner and was face to face with my new neighbors. Four people, they looked like the perfect family, a mom, dad, young daughter and teenage son. The mom I came to know as Tiffany and the dad Brad. Huh...Brad and Tiffany...they kinda fit together.

I was snapped out of my shipping moment when my mom introduced me to them. "Well Mr. and Mrs. this is my daughter Emily. She's turning 15 soon."

"Oh how cool! My son Thomas here is 14! And Daisy is 7!"

Thomas had brown hair, styled up into a quiff and brown eyes, he looked very fit may I add and very tall. But damn.  Daisy had brunette curls and green eyes. She was a very beautiful 7 year old, like she put me to shame...

"So where did you guys used to live?"

"We'll we just moved here from California!"

"Well welcome to Oklahoma! It's a lot colder here."

"I know!"

They stayed for dinner and Thomas could not keep his eyes off me (not that I minded tho) I would look up and catch his staring before he looked away. Multiple times.

After a few more hours with the Dean's they we're finally gone. After a while they got on my nerves. Well the mom, Tiffany. With her to tan skin and bleach blonder hair and high pitched voice.

I was finally alone again with nothing but darkness surrounding me in my peaceful room when there was a slight click.


What was that?


What the hell?


I chased the sound to my window and opened the curtains.


Sure enough something hit it.


I opened the window and looked down. I saw someone I never in a million years would have expected. Why was he here? I don't understand? He just discovered I existed today?

I looked over again.

"Hello?" He said.

What do I do?






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