The King Falls

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When the king falls his wife is left under the care of the newly crowned king. But the king isn't really the king, and the queen isn't really a queen, she is a network, and the newly crowned king is the dead king's lover. The new king would do anything for the queen, but he'd do more for the old king. The old king cheated on his queen. He was suppose to be married to his network - his work -, like the king of the neighbouring country was to his queen - his work -, alas he was not, he was not faithful; but was that really surprising considering he ruled a country of lawlessness; whereas the neighbouring king ruled a country that was ruthless to rule breakers, a country of law and order. The other country's king did not have a lover to help him rule his country and his queen, he had his brother, the government, the nobility, the secret service, his brother was it all; his brother was the law and order the kingdom had, without his brother the king and his country would be in turmoil.
But the king of the bordering country had a problem, he witnessed the other king's suicide, and the new king blamed him for his lover's death. The new king did not just want revenge, he wanted personal revenge. He didn't want a war, he wanted one battle, one battle between the two of them.
The king of the good country was happy to have this duel, he had little respect for his life, he knew his brother would keep the country going without him, but his brother and advisors did not want him to fight, they thought a war would be safer for the king, but the king did not want to get other people involved so he decided to have a duel, even if it would end up as his execution, so he went out when his country was asleep to face the other king where he had seen the dead king die. The date was set. The battlefield was Barts. The two kings both hoped they'd be victorious. But both knew only one would be.


Sherlock knew that the perpetrator would meet him on the top of Barts, he knew that is where the perpetrator would be watching. He knew he had to go that night. He had known for a while, and was glad Lestrade had made them all go to bed and get some sleep so they could start fresh in the morning: Sherlock had refused to tell them who he thought had done it, and Lestrade thought he'd rethink in the morning, he wouldn't.

Sherlock rolled over and looked at John sleeping peacefully next to him. He was surprised that John hadn't had one nightmare tonight, perhaps it was the presence of another person? Sherlock didn't know. John reached out his hand and took Sherlock's in his.
"Sherlock...." It was almost a moan.
"I'm here John."
"I love you."
Sherlock stopped dead. John always was a sleep talker, but normally nightmares not confessions of love. He was unsure what to reply. "I... Love you too, John."
John stirred slightly. He was slightly more lucid. "Why are you still awake Sherlock?"
"You need sleep."
"I know John."
"Good. Now g'night." Sherlock was unsure whether John had gone back into dreamland when John added "I love you, Sherlock." Or perhaps Sherlock was having a dream."I said I love you Sherlock, you're suppose to respond."
"I love you too?"
"Good you idiot, now sleep." Sherlock smiled as John rolled over as an invitation for Sherlock to cuddle into him. He did, but Sherlock knew once John was back in deep sleep he would have to leave, but for now he could enjoy this.

Sherlock reawakened about an hour later, John was cuddled into his chest. Sherlock gentle removed himself and replaced John's head on a pillow.
"I love you." He whispered, kissing John's cheek. He was unsure what had gone on that night, but something had happened. And it made him happy.
Sherlock looked at the clock, it was quarter to two, he could be back in London by sunrise if he caught the train, he'd have to make a few connections, but he could be back in Baker Street pretty soon.
He carefully got out of the bed. He managed to find the hotel provided pen and paper in the dark and scrawled a note to John, and one for Lestrade and Molly. He looked into their room, it appeared they were both naked. Molly was lying on Lestrade using his chest as a pillow, he had his arm round her protectively.
"You okay Sherlock?" Molly whispered in the dark to the outline she could see of Sherlock.
"I'm going to get some" he paused momentarily thinking up an excuse, "cigarettes. I've run out."
"You'll kill yourself on them Sherlock." Molly replied, Sherlock was pretty sure it was more caring than anger, pretty sure.
"I won't be long, though I'm sure you won't miss me."Molly self-consciously pulled the cover further over herself and Greg. "Congrats, by the way, I hope I won't be babysitting next year."
Sherlock couldn't see Molly rolling her eyes but he felt it. "Behave Sherlock."
"I won't be long."

Sherlock shut the door to Lestrade and Molly's part of the room. He put on some trousers and a shirt, grabbed his coat and scarf, and left as quietly as possible.

There were few people on the train, Sherlock had found one that departed at half three, it got to London shortly after nine, hence the lack (so far) of commuters. He had used the "expenses" money to pay for a first class sleeper carriage, luxury.

So Sherlock slept, sure of who he would find, but unsure of what would happen, or when it would happen. But still he slept, happy in the dream of him and John, and Molly and Lestrade all happy, all in love, and all safe.

A/N: I'm unsure where this is going, well I do know but still, but it's going somewhere, and I hope you like it. Anyway please comment and vote, if you like, cause it inspires me to write more :) ~ WIW out.

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