You can call me Moran

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"God damn it Sherlock, answer the damn phone." John was pacing up and down the train. His phone buzzed quietly.

Sherlock Holmes has transferred you £1000 under the title: to fix Lestrade's car and train.

"What the-?"

You have a new message from Sherlock Holmes.

I know you're on your way back to London, you're probably most of the way here. When you get in go straight to Barts, and no matter what happens, I love you John and I'm sorry. Molly, Lestrade look after him... SH

"Oh... My..." John collapsed into a near by chair.
"John?" It was Molly, she stood for the table she and Lestrade were sat at and went to see what had happened to John.
"He sent me money... He... Sent me a message..." John was shutting down. John wasn't sure what to do. John couldn't live without him again.
Lestrade helped Molly get John up and set him down at the table they had been sat at. They sat opposite him.
"Can I see the message?" Lestrade asked. John handed him his phone.
"What did Sherlock say?"
"To go to Barts, that he loves John and for us to look after him."
"He admitted it?"
John had calmed slightly. "Last night, I told him... And now he's gone again." John was semi catatonic.
"Where's Mycroft when you need him?" Molly sighed. She expected Mycroft to call her as soon as she said it, he had a way with things like that. But it was John's phone  that rung much to their surprise.
"It's Mycroft." Lestrade said.
"Put it on speaker then."

"Sorry to disappoint you, loyal subjects of Mr Holmes the younger, but Mr Holmes the elder isn't available right now, so I thought you'd like to hear from me."
"Who exactly is me?" John asked.
"You can call me Moran, Sebastian Moran. I am a friend of your Mr Holmes, in fact here he comes to meet me now." There was a pause, and the three heard a door slam. "I'll have to go now, but I'm sure I'll see you soon. I'll save you a seat in the main show."
Call disconnected.

John sighed. Molly sighed. Lestrade banged his fist on the table.

"Have you heard of a Moran, John?" Molly asked, "Greg?"
"No." Both replied.
"Sherlock said yesterday he was to do with Moriarty... A second in command, perhaps?" John suggested.
Lestrade went to speak but Molly hushed him, she was soon deep in a Sherlock like trace. About three minutes - and quite a few glances between the boys - later she started talking quite fast, and in a scarily Sherlockesque way.
"Jim was gay, right? Sherlock said so the first time he met him. So the second in command could be his boyfriend. Sherlock will have worked that out. This Moran fellow probably holds Sherlock responsible for his boyfriend's suicide. That would make sense. But why bring Sherlock back from certain death with "did you miss me?"? Maybe he wanted to be the one to kill Sherlock, or maybe he wants to make Sherlock suffer by letting him watch his family die. Yes. And let us watch him break. Let the world see a genius loosing his mind. Oh god." Something dawned on Molly. "Oh goodness." She paused. "That would mean Sherlock's just walked out onto Barts and will watch his family die, he'll probably be restrained; then Moran- oh god."
"For gods sake, what Molly?" Lestrade asked, his anger showing.
"He's going to drive Sherlock to a real suicide. He's going to let Sherlock be his own downfall, because then the great man will be dead and his reputation. No one will remember him as he deserves to be remembered. Everyone will forget about Sherlock's defeat of Moriarty, and ergo no one will have heard of Moran, so he will be free to... Oh god."
"FOR GOD'S SAKE MOLLY." It was John this time, he was more than enraged.
"Sorry. He's going to frame Sherlock for his family's murders, he has to, that's the only thing that makes sense. And even though Sherlock won't have killed them he'll feel like he did and people will think he will so he'll be driven to suicide eventually even if their deaths don't drive him to it."
"How long til we're in London, Greg?"
"We should be pulling into Paddington next."
"Good. We need to pull a stealth mission of Mycroft proportions." John paused. "And Molly."
"Keep being Sherlock, we need it." John paused, Greg took over.
"He needs you Molly. We need you."
Molly smiled and kissed Greg's cheek. "Thank you." She took a breath. "We need to go to 221b first. That's where he will have gone first. Then Scotland Yard." Greg nodded in agreement.
"I'll get some trustworthy officers to form a SWAT team." Greg walked into the toilet, to use the phone.

"Yes John?"
"I won't loose him again will I?"
"We'll do everything we can to make sure you won't."
"Thank you, Molly."
"It's okay..." Molly trailed off as the train pulled into Paddington station.
"The game is on, Molly, and we have to solve it."

A/n: oooooo, that was a bit filler ish again. Sorry, the next chapter will be action - promise! Anyway hope you enjoyed! I update soon (hopefully). WIW out!

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