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Once Kevin and Lily made it to homeroom, the teacher started calling roll role and passing out schedules. Nazz, saw them and motioned them to their saved spots. "I see you've met the new kid, Kevin." Nazz teased. Lily played along and said " Yeah he knocked me down!" Nazz's eyes widen and glares at kevin,"What? Why? Kevin??!!!!" Kevin rubs his neck nervously, "Aw c'mon Nazz, it was an accident! But, you weren't kidding about her looks!!!" Lily blushes. Jazz giggles "Oh stop it Kevin, you're embarrassing her!" Kevin places his arm around Lily, "No way!! She's fine, So by the way how old are you? And What grade are you in?" Kevin asks.

Lily chuckles, "I'm 18 and a Senior." Nazz smiles and says "Awesome! By the way, you will love the gang, we all in the cul de sac!" Lily replies, "Awesome!!"

"Oh I know!! we'll throw you a party a welcoming party!" Nazz said, Lily goes blank and says "Wait, What?!" and Nazz persisted, "It's no problem! You can't always be the shy type!'" Then Kevin agreed, "Yeah it'll be fun and I'll be with you help get used to everyone, especially Nat, he can be quite the handful." Lily smiles and nods. "Then It's settled, this Saturday my place at 6pm! Actually Lily, you can spend the night at Marie's just go meet her whenever you can!" Nazz said in a playful tone. "Ok, Nazz." Lily says awkwardly.

Twenty minutes passed,The teacher hands Lily her schedule and thanked her. "oh let us see!" Nazz and Kevin said real excited and Lily places her schedule on the table. "Oh you're the artistic type! Nice! I think Marie will like you!" Nazz exclaimed making Lily blush, "Cool. Though, I would need to ask my cousin help me on math, he said I'll be living with him so I can get that extra help." Kevin and Nazz looked at each other knowing the only person that would help tutoring students was-"Wait! You're Edd's Cousin?!" Lily nods. "Wow so Lucky!" Nazz said.

A few minutes later the teacher gives Kevin and Nazz they're schedules and they all started comparing each other's classes. "Looks like we have all our classes together Nazz, and as for Kevin same except for cheerleading, but at least we have the same lunch!" Lily excitedly stated, "So choice!" Kevin agreed. Then Lily's phone vibrated getting a text from Edd, kevin looks over and says "Tell him I said 'Hi', and to show us his schedule!" Lily agreed and sends her pictures of everyone's schedule. "I'm hoping to at least get him in my lunch period since he'll be mostly in advanced classes," Lily said thoughtfully. "Oh let's cross our fingers and hope so!" Nazz said. Lily then gets a reply back from Edd and smiles,"Looks like we do share the same lunch!" Kevin blushes at the thought of Edd being with them, "Really?!" he blurts out. Lily curious as why he was so excited for Edd being with us teasing asks, "Yeah Why?" Kevin starts acting odd and fumbles his words,"uu..um no reason....j-just the more familiar face the sooner, you'll get used to here!" Lily not convinced just shrugs it off and starts drifting off while the presentations were plying on the tv screen.

"Hhhhmmm these presentations are so boring, I'm just gonna draw instead....but what should I draw?" Lily started looking for a subject to draw till she sees a beautiful girl with blue hair and tattoos and started drawing her, until the girl started noticing Lily drawing her and glares at her. Lily feeling scared stopped drawing and embarrassingly sank deep into her chair and starts blushing like crazy. Nazz smiles with mischief and noticed Lily's drawing and starts talking "Oh, That's Marie!!" Lily's heart sank in fear, "What?!!" Nazz then motions Marie to come over, Marie continues to glare at Lily and heat rose between them. Marie starts sizing Lily up, "So, this is the new kid you've been talking about Nazz?" Lily blushes and quickly closes her sketchbook before Marie noticed the drawing. Nazz happily starts speaking to Marie, "Yeah and she's in all our classes, except basketball, she's a cheerleader. Marie looks at Lily with disgust,"She's so....so...ugh!!" Lily puts her head down on her desk horrified that Marie was treating her like scum. Kevin starts backing up Lily, "Come on Marie, give her a chance, she loves art." Marie sighs in defeat and looks at Lily, "Hey.." Lily whispers, "Hey". "My name is Marie Kanker, Yours?" The blue haired girl asks, Lily nervously fiddling with her curly hair answered, "Lily Sparks..."

Nazz giggles loving the somewhat friendly intro, "You guys are so cute! Say Marie, I told Lily I would be throwing her a welcome party and that it would be nice if-" Marie cuts her off knowing what her intentions were, "NO!" Marie yelled making Lily jump back startled. Nazz continued, "But ...It would be a good way to-" Marie cuts her off again with a growl, "NO! I rather be alone than have her in my house!" Kevin getting frustrated with Marie stands up and looks at her in the eye growling back"What the hell is your problem?! Why are you hating' the new kid?!" Lily shrinks into her desk eyeing Kevin and Marie. Then Lily looks up at Marie, "Marie...?" The Both of them looked back at her irritated, "What?!" Marie roared and Lily softly said "Don't worry about it, I'm living with my cousin Edd so no sleepovers." Lily said reassuring Marie and looking down. Marie's eyes widen, "Which ed?" she asked. Lily bit back her whimper and continued, "Eddward Vincent?" Marie knocks Lily away from her incredulous, "There's no way you guys are related!!!" The blue haired girl screamed making Lily petrified. Jazz finally stood up and told her that Edd did intact present Lily as his cousin last week, Lily reaching her emotional limit gets up and asks to be excused and Nazz goes after her, leaving the class to stare Marie. Kevin sarcastically states, "Nice going Sherlock." And Marie looks back at the door as the bell finally rings for the next period.

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