Chapter One

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Crystal Waters POV

I am fifteen. My hair is blonde and my eyes are crystal grey. Hahaha thought I was gonna say blue, huh? I am pretty. Pretty short that is. I usually find that people tower over me and I am kind of self conscious about it. But you know, thats how my life always makes me feel, self concious about one thing or another. Anyways, my life was pretty normal. I walk to school everyday, walk home afterwards. Simple really. Honestly? Very, very, very boring.
Until one day. It happened. An event that would change my world, my entire life. Here's my story.


I slammed my fist down on my alarm clock.

Ugh I thought, Why do I have to go to school???? This sucks, like, a lot.

I got up out of my bed and went to my closet. I picked out a white tank top with a blue crop top, then some white jeans, and blue converse. I had to look good for the first day, but I always hated the first day, it sucked just like the rest of the year. But I had to go anyways. Sigh. I went downstairs only to be greeted by my annoying little brother, Troy, meaning my mom was already at work.

Now Troy, he is only five years old, so he is my baby. He was one of those people who were really sweet and adorable and so damn cute, but in the mornings he was like Oscar the Grouch. Seriously. Well minus the green.

"Hey cutie pie," I said.
And then you know what he does? He grunts at me like actually grunts!! Like rude, but its OK cause I love him. So then I go sit at the table where I realize I don't have a clue as to why I sat down.  Guess I was waiting for my breakfast to float towards me.

I get back up and walk over to the counter where I pull a bowl out of the cabinet. Then, I pull open a drawer and take out a spoon. I set the two items on top of the counter and turn around to a different cabinet where we keep food in boxes. I open the cabinet and a bunch of honey nut clusters and oats fall on me. I look over to Troy seeing as he is the only one that eats that stuff and glare at him. Like he read my mind or something, instantly he looks up and laughs at me.

What am I gonna do now? I have to go shower to get all this dusty cereal off of me. Might as well eat first right? So when I find my cheerios, I pull them down carefully and pour some.
Then I go to the fridge and pull out a carton of milk. I then complete my cereal and go sit down to eat it.

After finishing my breakfast, I go to my bathroom and shower. When I get out I walk into my closet. Deciding to go with a different look, I come out of the closet with a blue shirt that shows a mustache and glasses, black jeans, black converse, and a black and blue snapback. With the help of my already thick, black framed glasses (because I refused contacts) my look was complete.

Finally ready for school, I go down stairs to the coat closet in the hall, grab my book bag and Troy's, and then went to go find him. He was sitting on the couch looking at comic books, no surprise there. He likes superheroes and all that nonsense, even though he was only five, he was really smart. I handed him his bag and we were out the door.

Oh yeah, I guess I didn't mention that I only live a block away from the dumb school. Well yea, we do and we walk there everyday to get to school and I found a short cut through the woods, so I basically walked through there after I dropped Troy off at his side of the campus.

My school is the kind where it accepts students from Kindergarten all the way to the Twelfth grade so me and Troy went to the same school. Walking in, I looked around the place trying to get back the familiarity I lost over the summer. Hmm, there was the lockers lining the halls. The various doors indicating classrooms and then there were the stairs leading to a similar second floor with stairs leading to a third. Thank God though there was only three stories. Everything here was symmetrical.  I mean seriously, OCD much people?? 

All of a sudden,
"Crystal, hey Crystal!!"
I turned around to see
Christian running towards me shouting and waving like a maniac. Christian Whitney is my best friend. He has a twin brother named Colby. Christian is tall, with black hair, really pale skin and wonderful brown eyes. Colby has light brown or is it dark blonde? hair and bluish eyes, he is also shorter than Christian. They have lived next to me forever. Although, Colby is kind of a jerk. The only time I like him is if he has candy. For some strange reason, candy makes Colby calm. (say that five times fast) Anyways, Christian walked up to me.

"Oh hey Christian. How goes it?" I asked him.
He said, "Oh well I'm good I guess. You know just first day jitters." He gave me a weak smile.

I playfully punched his arm. "Awe, it's gonna be alright. Ooh here, what's your schedule?" I asked him, pointing at his binder.

" I have U.S. History first, Spanish second, English third, Technology fourth, Physical Education fifth, Math sixth, Science seventh, and finally Theatre. What's yours?" He asked.

I said, " Mine is U.S. History, Math, Science, Technology, Physical Education, English, Spanish, and Theatre." I smiled at him.

"Wait, so we have half our classes together. Awesome!"
I laughed at his child like enthusiasm. Wow, his laugh is so adorable. Wait. What did I just think about that for? We are just friends I am crazy. I don't even like him like that do I?


Nevermind, I guess.

There goes the bell. Christian and I head off to class. As we walked off to U.S. History, we kind of got lost. We ended up on the way wrong side of the school. Now how I managed to do that, I have no clue. We have been going to this school for a while now. Anyways, we have now started running through the halls when suddenly, I am knocked down by a wall of I don't know what. I look up to see only the hottest guy in school, Nathaniel Scott Morris. I've had a crush on him like forever!

We sort of have a history, you see we used to be friends, he even lives on the other side of my house. We were best buds, too. Then, he kind of got into football and all these popular things and kind of forgot me and Christian. I mean every now and then he shoots me a smile, but I think he's just being polite. Haha, back to reality Crystal.

He had a look of concern on his face and was saying something to Christian. The weird thing was, I couldn't hear it, and now the room was spinning, well the ceiling was anyways, seeing as I had landed on my back and kind of slammed my head onto the ground and was now staring upwards. Ow, that hurts by the way. Then, it all went black for me as far as vision goes. Great deaf and blind so far, what's next being paralyzed?? I felt someone pick me up. I wonder who's touching me right now? I get self concious about people knowing how heavy I am. We started moving, but then I went completely unconscious.


I was in a white room. It was eerily silent. I looked around to see only white.

"Where-ere-ere am-am-am i-i-i???" Huh, it echoes in here. Where ever here is.


Whoa, where is that coming from? "Hello-o-o-o?? Is anybody-y there-ere-ere??" Now I was getting worried. Where was I?

" Crystallll" A shadow started to form in the distance. It then turned into a figure. It was a person. He was calling my name.
"Crystal I need to tell you abo-"


A/N How goes it so far? Liking the cliff hanger? Let me know your thoughts. Any thing is wrong let meh know.

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