Chapter Seven

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Crystal's POV

We left my home as a group and started off to school. We stopped by Troy's section of school first to drop him off. I tried to drop him off anyways.

For some strange reason Troy didn't want to leave me. He clung to my arm.

"Guys he doesn't want to let go." I gestured to my arm.

The guys tried pulling him off, but he would cry and scream when they touched him. So I caved in.

"Look guys, I'll just take him home and say I wasn't feeling good still."

Christian looked panicked for a second.
"What's wrong Chris?"

"I'm not feeling so well." He did look more pale than usual and his eyes were red.

"Do you want to stay at my house too then? We can call your mom and tell her. How about you Nathan? Are you sick too?" I looked at him trying to sound like I was joking, but he didn't look so well.

"Um, I don't know. I'll be fine maybe."

"No. You don't look so well. Let's all go to my house then and I'll be doctor Crystal for today I guess."

We started walking back quickly so no one would see us and think we were ditching. I mean technically they were sick and I was just in a coma so it was okay.

We got to the woods which would be the quickest way to get home, but something was telling me not to go through the woods. I realized it was Jack. So I decided to go around.

"Guys let's go around the woods. Something is telling me it's not safe."

Nathan looked at me like I was crazy. "It will take forever if we go around. Besides we will be okay there is three of-"

"Four! There is one, two, three, and four of us." Troy counted as he pointed to each person in the group.

"Okay, there is four of us here, we'll be okay Crystal." Nathan squeezed my arm for reassurance.

Christian POV

Troy wouldn't let go of Crystal and he wouldn't let us touch him. So looks like there was a complication.

Look guys, I'll just take him home and say I wasn't feeling good still."

I must have shown my panic for a second.
"What's wrong Chris?" Crystal looked worried.

"I'm not feeling so well." I lied and faked ill.

"Do you want to stay at my house too then? We can call your mom and tell her. How about you Nathan? Are you sick too?" She looked at him jokingly, but he didn't look so well either

"Um, I don't know. I'll be fine. Maybe."

"No. You don't look so well. Let's all go to my house then and I'll be doctor Crystal for today I guess." Crystal was so caring. I loved that about her.

We started walking back quickly so no one would see us and think we leaving. That was a good thing for my plan, no witnesses.

When we got to the woods, which would be the quickest way to get to Crystal's home, she looked hesitant. She then started to go around the woods.

"Guys let's go around the woods. Something is telling me it's not safe."

No, no, no. We need to go through the woods, that's where they are waiting. It has to happen, by order and logic of the council. I have to add at least one person to our world. Although from the looks of things, it might be three. Maybe they'll spare Troy. I don't know.

Nathan looked at her like she was crazy. "It will take forever if we go around. Besides we will be okay there is three of-"

"Four! There is one, two, three, and four of us." Troy counted as he pointed to each person in the group.

"Okay, there is four of us here, we'll be okay Crystal." Nathan squeezed her arm for reassurance.

We then ventured into the woods.

Nathan POV

"Look guys, I'll just take him home and say I wasn't feeling good still." Crystal just couldn't get Troy to let go of her.

Christian looked panicked for a second.
"What's wrong Chris?" Even with her own problems, Crystal cared for others. She was truly amazing.

"I'm not feeling so well." He did look more pale than usual I guess, but then again what did I know?

"Do you want to stay at my house too then? We can call your mom and tell her. How about you Nathan? Are you sick too?" She turned to look at me. Suddenly I was feeling kind of sick, but I didn't know why.

"Um, I don't know. I'll be fine maybe."

"No. You don't look so well. Let's all go to my house then and I'll be doctor Crystal for today I guess.

We started walking back quickly so no one would see us because that would kind of ruin the going back home part of all this.

We got to the woods which is the fastest way home, but Crystal stopped. She seemed to be deciding on whether to go through the woods or not.

"Guys let's go around the woods. Something is telling me it's not safe."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "It will take forever if we go around. Besides we will be okay there is three of-"

"Four! There is one, two, three, and four of us." Troy counted as he pointed to each person in the group. He is such a cute kid.

"Okay, there is four of us here, we'll be okay Crystal." I squeezed my arm for reassurance. What was she so afraid of? It's not like we would be attacked by some crazy beast right?


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