Chapter Two

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Crystal POV

I was sucked back into reality. What was that man gonna say? I looked around to see that I was in the nurses office.
"Crystal? Are you awake?" A deep, soft voice came from somewhere behind me.

I tried to sit up, but my head started throbbing. I laid back down instantly. Ouch, what happened??? "Mmmm, what happened?" I asked unsteadily.

He started talking again. It was Christian."Well, you just sort of blacked out and I brought you here. With Nathan coming to help of course." Wow, Christian picked me up? I totally thought it was Nathan. I didn't think Chris was that strong. I'm kinda heavy.

" Oh yeah, you hit your head real hard." This time Nathan spoke.

Ouch no wonder I feel dizzy. And that weird dream I had. Just then , the nurse came in.
"Ok, Ms. Waters. Its good your awake now because I have some questions for you." The nurse lady said.

"OK I think I can do that."

"Great. Now can you tell me what happened?" She asked me this so politely.

"Uh well my vision went all wonky and then I couldn't hear anything and then I apparently passed out according to my friends here."

She told the guys to leave for a little while and that they could come back later. "OK dear well we are gonna have you lie here until you feel a bit better."

I just gave her a weak smile in response. Then, my head felt like it was splitting open. Oh man, major migraine. I passed out again.


"Crystalllllll" Oh great that guy again.
"Crystallllllllll. I came to warn you Crystalllll. I'm trying to protect you Crystalll."

"Who are you??????" Huh where'd the echoing go?

"I'm a friend. Trust me."

"Whatever, just tell me how I'm supposed to get out of here!"

"That's thing Crystal. I can't let you leave here. Not for a while." This guy totally wasn't being a creep.

"W-what do you mean I can't leave? Th-this is just a dr-dream. I'll wake up any minute now!"

" No Crystal, no you won't"

Then everything faded to black.


Christian POV

*About an hour later*
I wanted to go back and check on Crystal, but I went looking for Nathan first seeing as he might want to check on her too. I probably looked everywhere for him when realization hit me square in the face. Why was I looking for him inside? Because I'm an idiot duh. I automatically went out side to the football field. Of course, there he was.

"Hey! Nate!" I was probably gonna lose my voice if I kept yelling, but he was surrounded by the most horrible creatures known to regular man..... The populars. *cue screams of terror* I didn't want to go over and make a fool of myself so I stood on the bleachers and waved like a madman instead. And then one of his friends saw me first and pointed me out to him so he ran over just in time to see me trip and fall off the bleachers. Well that worked so great.

"Nathan, wanna come see Crystal with me?"
"Sure, Okay."
We walked back to the nurse's office hoping to see Crystal feeling better. When we got there there was a note on the door.

I left out for lunch, Crystal was awake when I left so, if she is asleep now don't be worried. All may visit her still.
~ Nurse Bowel

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