Chapter Five

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Crystal's POV

I opened the door to face Christian.
"Oh, hi Chris. What's up?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh wanted to come see how you were holding up." He smiled.

"Oh, I am good thanks. You could walk me to school tomorrow if you want?"

He half laughed, "Sure I would be honored to escort milady to our fine academy."

Christians POV

Ok here goes nothing. I walked up to Crystal's doorstep. I wonder how she is feeling today. I hope she is okay. I gave a series of patterned knocks as we agreed on when we were kids. I don't know if anyone heard though.

A few seconds later I heard small but heavy footsteps and the knob started to jiggle. I figured it was Troy trying to open the door considering the door knob was kinda high up and he couldn't quite reach. Then, the door opened do that I was looking down at Crystal. She is so adorable. Stop thinking gosh, stick to the plan Chris.

"Oh, hi Chris. What's up?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I, uh wanted to see how you were holding up."

She smiled and said, "Oh, I'm good thanks. You could walk me to school tomorrow if you want?"

I half-heartedly laughed and replied, "Sure, I would be honored to escort milady to our fine academy."

Now I was nervous, walk her to school tomorrow. That meant IT would occur tomorrow, oh God, and it's a full moon that night. I suddenly started to feel guilty. I had no idea what was going to happen, just that my long time secret might possibly be exposed tomorrow and that I may be leading my best friend to glory or to her certain doom. I just hoped that it wasn't the latter, although I had a feeling it might be.

"So, Chris wanna hang out since your here already?"

"Sure Crystal, whatcha wanna do?"

She paused and pondered on what she wanted to do. "Hmm, how about we watch a movie on my new TV?"

I smiled down at her. "Sounds like a plan Dan."

She laughed and went to find Troy so we could watch a movie with him as well. I wonder what we're going to watch with Troy in the room as well. She led me up to her bedroom with Troy in her arms. As soon as we were in she plopped down on her bed and motioned for me to follow. I flopped down next to her and made myself comfortable. Everything felt right in the world when I was next to her.

"Okay, what movie do you want to watch?" She turned to me after turning on the television.

"Eh, I don't know. Let Troy pick a film." I honestly don't care what we watch as long as I am watching it with you Crystal.

Crystal POV

I turned to Christian to ask him something else about the movie, but as soon as I looked at him I couldn't remember what I was going to ask him. He was staring off into space with a blissful look in his chocolate eyes and that goofy grin of his perched on his lips.

I quickly looked away as he turned his head to look at me questioningly. He gave me a look as if to say What? But I just smiled and shook my head. It was great until Troy spoke up.

"Sissy? Can we watch Spongebob?"

"Sure baby, anything you want" I smiled at his cuteness. He was so sweet and adorable. I just hope when he gets older he will still love me.

Next thing I know, Troy is cuddled up on me as I am barely paying attention to Spongebob and Squidward arguing. I was so tired and I didn't know why, but next thing I know I slumped against something soft and drifted off to the low murmurs of the characters.

Christian POV

We were sitting here watching Spongebob with Troy. I didn't really mind cause, I mean Spongebob, am I right y'all?

Anyways, I noticed Troy had fallen alseep on Crystal. He was so adorable. Next thing I knew there was light snoring and Crystal kind of leaned against me. I turned to see she was asleep with Troy. Even cuter. Sigh. I guess I should go then. I'll just leave a note for her. Although, as soon as I turned to get up I heard a soft voice.

"Christian?" She said sounding very groggy.

I turned back around to look at her. "Yea Crys?"

"You can stay the night if you wanna." She mumbled sleepily.

"Sure. I'll go to the spare room and leave a not for your mom." I looked up at her as she drifted off again. I couldn't help but stare just a bit longer. Eventually, I walked out of the room.

As I left the room, I walked right into Mrs. Waters. "Oh, hello Mrs. Waters." I smiled at her. She and Crystal looked similar in some ways such as hair and eye color. However, she looked like an older version. Also, a taller version, Haha Crystal is kind of short, but she is so darn cute.

"Oh, Christian, I was just about to go pick you up after I checked on Crystal dear. Did your mother already tell you?" She asked me.

"Tell me? Tell me what?" Now clearly showing my confusion, she smiled at me.

"Your mother had to go on a business trip for a month or so, maybe longer depending on the deal she said. I told her that you could stay here while she was gone." She winked at me, "I know you don't want to be shipped off to your dad's house.

"Oh, thanks so much, Mrs. Waters. That means a whole lot to me."

"Well, I know I can trust you to behave." She paused to lower her voice, "And I need someone to take care of Crystal while I am busy with work and Troy. Could you do that for me?"

I saluted her and replied, "Of course Mrs. Waters, you can count on me." (A/n: Like one two three, I'll be there, sorry had to do it XD)

I walked to the spare room which was basically claimed as mine since they let me decorate the room with all my stuff. Honestly, I kept all of my important stuff here. I didn't trust my house.

The room was beautiful really, it was all Crystal's idea too. The floor was painted, yes the floor, the color of the midday sky: bright blue. It had extremely realistic clouds painted onto it. Then as the paint climbed the walls, it turned into the sunset getting darker as it elevated. All the way to the top, when it was midnight blue with glowing stars painting on the ceiling. I poved this room because it felt like walking on clouds and when you lay down and look up, its just like lying under the stars at night.

Actually, it's not so hard to believe Crystal came up with this, she also made her room and her parents' room look nice as well. Her room had lush, dark green carpet and walls that started mid darkness and deepened as it went up, showing off special, glowing lights shaped as stars and a moon that changed as the real one did. Her parents' room had lush, bright green carpet with the opposite effect. Beautiful colors of the sunrise started from the carpet with bright blue skies with cloudes painted on the ceiling. The light hanging from the middle of the ceiling was decorated like the sun. Crystal was just full of color and imagination, I just loved that about her.

I flopped down onto my bed and stared at the stars on the ceiling trying to calm my nerves. I was actually pretty nervous about what was going to happen tomorrow. I had been told by council members that something had happened with the mortals and that someone was going to pay the price. They also said I was getting to comfortable with the mortals and I should be doing just the opposite since I was pretty much done turning.

Thoughts were soaring through my mind as I couldn't sleep. In fact, you could say I was even more awake now then I had been all day. I guess that was one of the prices I had to pay, but then again it's not like I asked to be born this way did I? With that note, I took specialized pills that I used to fit in around others and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/n: Sorry my chapters are soooooooo short. Also very very boring. Yup. Also sorry that I don't say a MILLION BILLION things in my notes either like a bunch of writers here do. But I dont really care, sorry :P
Ps. Sorry for all the switching of POV haha. Yea, important chapter though I think. Okay.

Peace out- D

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