The dog, and the dream

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I was running, I don't know why. I was just running from something. I can't remember what it was. My legs hurt and my heart was beating fast. I was breathing hard. I was about to run off a cliff when something tackled me. When I looked up I saw a boy with amber eyes and blonde hair. He grabbed my hand and ran. He ran so fast I almost collapsed, he stopped and I ran into his back. He grabbed my legs and told me to hold on. I obeyed. Soon after we were running again. We heard some noises. He put me down and ran I reached out to him but he ran away before I could stop him from running off, I remember a single tear running down my cheek thinking I had been abandoned once more. Then I heard a wolf howl. I surprisingly wasn't scared, I don't know if I didn't care, or if I welcomed the potential attacker, but I saw glowing amber eyes approach me. The wolf came out from the bushes and kept walking towards me. It came very close and I felt its breath on my face. I then felt it lick my cheek and nuzzle its head against me. I embraced the creature. Then I screamed. That was it. I screamed. And I woke up. I woke up to a cold sweat. I started gasping for air. When I calmed down I realised it was just a dream. That same dream. I wonder why I keep having that dream. Why do I scream at the end of it, and why do I wake up after. I had those thoughts acompany me as I fell asleep again. Only waking up to go to my new school.


This is it, my first day at another new school. I look at my schedule. I then see a girl wearing glasses and her hair in a braided bun. "Umm, excuse me." She turns to look at me and says "I'm sorry, but I've never seen you before. Are you knew here?" I smile awkwardly and say "actually yes, but I'm trying to find my first class. Can you help me." She says "sure, let me see your schedule." I hand it to her as she looks at it. She says "I'm actually headed there right now, follow me." When we get to the class I thank her and she goes to sit down with a dark skinned boy. Next to him I see a blonde boy, he seems so familiar. Then the teacher introduced himself as Mr. Jeffries. You stood up and said "Hello, my name is (f/N),(l/N) I'm 17, a foreign exchange student from America, and I'm looking forward to the day I don't have to see any of you for a good 2 months." The class laughed at my snarky remark except Mr. Jeffries. He told me to sit down so I sat next to the blonde boy who had an empty seat next to him.

He seemed distant. He was staring out the window. Snapped my fingers to get his attention. He jumped and looked at me seemingly annoyed. "I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name." He said "because I didn't give it to you." Before turning his attention back to the window. You huffed and said "don't be such a brit brat, oh look at me I'm all British with my tea. I have tea with my fancy queen everyday looking down on everyone." He turned to look at you and said "oh that's real mature isn't it , aren't you just irritating, barely 10 minutes here and you're already getting on my last nerve you-" "Rhydian, (Y/N)!! Detention for both of you." You got up and said "but sir, I was just trying to get to know Rhyd-" "I don't want to hear it, and I reckon you don't want another detention do you." You shut your mouth before getting into more trouble.

~~timeskip to lunchtime~~

Rhydian sat with Tom and Shannon and was complaining about you. "She almost made me lose it. I don't know what her problem is." You approached the table and tapped Shannon on the shoulder "Hi, I never got to thank you for earlier, so thank you." You then noticed Rhydian glaring at you for a split second before he turned back to his food. "Rhydian....I'm sorry for getting you in trouble earlier, that was out of line of me to talk to you like that. And I hope that we can still be friends." He looked up at you and said "I'm sorry too, you just asked my name, and I got mad for nothing." You awkwardly smiled and asked "can I sit with you." He said "why not, we'll probably end up next to each other in detention anyway." You sat down and you guys hit it off. You, Rhydian, Tom, and Shannon became friends. You clicked, but after some time you realized they started acting really weird.

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