Rhydian's lament

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After he bit me I was scared. He leaned back realizing how scared I was. I lifted my pocket knife at him ready to defend myself. He reached for it trying to take it away from me, but cut himself. I was still scared, but I was worried. I took his hand and he pulled away. He then touched my neck where he bit me. "You bit me" I said still shaken. He felt where he had bitten me. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to." You looked at him and said "then why did you." He said "I don't know, I couldn't control myself."

~~3rd person pov~~

He let go of you and you all of a sudden felt woozy, "Rhydian, I don't feel too-" and you passed out. He picked you up, worried, and took you to his house. "Mum, Help." Not a second later, his mom was right in front of the both of you. "What happened?" Rhydian looked really worried and said "I don't know, I kissed her and then I remember feeling a rush, like I was about to wolf out and then (Y/N) cried in pain and when I looked at her she told me I had bitten her. When I looked at her neck, there was a bite mark and she was bleeding. She held up her pocket knife trying to defend herself, and I cut my finger trying to take it from her. She let her guard down and I apologized while feeling where she was bitten. She then passed out." Ceri looked at him really quickly before asking "Rhydian, you know it's spring right?" Rhydian looked at her questioningly and said "yes. And". Ceri looked away and said "wolfbloods are territorial Rhydian, you marked her as your own. Wolfbloods normally do that around mating season." Rhydian quickly said "but she's human." Ceri chuckled and said "she'll be fine, her body is probably just in shock from the new sensation. Just take her home and she should be okay by tomorrow."

~~timeskip to your pov~~

I woke up in my bed. I looked at my clock and realised "I'm late!!!" I quickly put my uniform on and grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. I got to class just in time. I felt odd though. My neck felt itchy. I sat next to Rhydian like always, he seemed worried though. " (Y/N), are you okay?" I nodded and said "yeah, why wouldn't I be." He asked "do you remember anything from last night?" You said "yeah, I went to the woods, I messed with some plants, and everything went black, my mom told me I fell off a tree and was bitten by an animal when you brought me home. Thanks for that by the way." He said "is that all you remember? You don't remember a kiss of some kind. Mabey me wolfing out." I raised an eye brow at him. He was acting weird, and I don't know why. "No, are you okay?" I raised my hand to see if he had a fever of some kind.

~~Rhydian pov~~

She doesn't remember anything at all, I don't understand. She lifted her hand and I swatted it away "I'm fine, don't do that." She said okay in a questioning tone. I don't understand, how could she forget something like that. I waited until lunch time to tell Tom and Shannon. Shannon didn't hesitate to poke fun at me "aww, are you upset your girlfriend forgot your first kiss, and your relationship." I snarled at Shannon "shut up." I saw a hint of fear in her eyes for a second. I quickly apologized "I'm sorry Shan, I don't know what's happening. I can't control myself lately." She said "It's fine, its almost the full moon, so." I realized it really was almost a full moon. I was about to continue talking about (Y/N) until I realised she was coming. I could smell her, but something was off, she smelled different.

~~your pov~~

"I like your perfume (Y/N)" I heard Rhydian say. "I'm don't wear perfume." I don't know why but I felt more attracted to Rhydian. He smelled so good for some reason. Wait,What?! I never comment on peoples scents, and why can I smell him from here. Come to think of it, I could smell a lot of things. Katrina had just bleached her roots, Kay had a new Taylor swift perfume, and Kara had eaten waffles for breakfast. Why can I smell all these things, and from here. I sat down and I just couldn't stay away from Rhydian. I could smell Jimi coming this way. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and sure enough, there was Jimi.

"Hey, (Y/N). I don't do this often, so consider yourself lucky, but do you want to go out with me." I was about to say something but Rhydian cut me off, "No Jimi, she doesn't want to go anywhere with you." Jimi said "I asked her not you, what are you her father." He put his arm protectively around me and said "no, I'm her boyfriend." Jimi said "that's rather wishful thinking-" he cut himself off when he saw you kiss him. "Thanks Jimi, but no. I thought you were giving me money when you said I was lucky, but its a curse to be seen with you." He walked off angry. I laughed and said "so Rhydian, was that to trick Jimi, or was that for real." He blushed and said "what if it was real." I smiled "what if I wanted to date you." He cocked an eye brow and said "what if I said yes." I kept playing his game "what if a said tomorrow, at 6 at the kafe." He smiled "what if I saw you there." I smiled at him, I was ready for our date. I kissed his cheek and said "fine,see you then." Unfortunately, things weren't going to go as planned.

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