Full moon

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You approached Shannon and said "hey Shan, wanna have a sleepover tonight." She smiled and said "sure, I think that would be fun. Plus we never spend time together without the guys so okay." You smiled and practically skipped off to class. You were super excited.

~~Shannon pov~~

I was happy that (Y/N) asked me to come over, I haven't had girl time since Maddy left for Canada. (Y/N) was obviously different from Maddy, but she reminded me off Maddy because of her loyalty and willing to help. I sat next to Tom like always and told him about my sleepover with (Y/N). He snickered and said "do you know what's happening tonight." I gave him a confused look "what are you going on about." He said "sorry to burst your bubble, but tonight's a full moon." I hid my fave in frustration. "Well, why can't we just tell her." Tom said "Shannon, have you gone mad, we've only known her a month." I said "yeah, but maddy trusted us, and she's our friend. Its better she hear it from us then to have her see Rhydian, you know." Tom says "but its too early Shannon, remember how long it took Maddy to tell us." "But Tom,she has to know eventually." "Tom, Shannon would you like to tell the class something." Mr. Jeffries cuts in. "No, sorry sir" both tom and I say in unison.

~~Your pov~~
I had to keep poking Rhydian so he'd stay up in class. Eventually I gave up since he kept falling asleep. I being the kind person I am decided to take notes to give him later. I heard Mr.Jeffries call out Tom and Shannon. They gave the standard apology before Mr Jeffries resumed class. I then received a text from Shannon

Shann-I can't make it
Me- Why not, you said yes an hour ago.
Shann-Sorry I have to help Tom study for an exam
Me-But exams aren't for another month
Shann-I know, he wants to start early
Me-Okay fine
Shann-Thanks for understanding

I sighed deeply. She always blew me off, if it wasn't one thing, it was another. It feels like she's hiding something from me. Actually it feels like they're all hiding something from me.Besides, I can help with a study session.

~~3rd person pov~~

You were upset the entire day, and everyone noticed. You weren't scary, you were just a bit gloomy. You, Shannon, Tom, and Rhydian said goodbye to each Other before going your separate ways. Your foster mom heard you come in. " (Y/N), where's Shannon." You gave her a hug as you walked in and said "she bailed last minute." Your mom gave you a sympathetic look and patted you on the back. "What is she doing this time?" You groaned and said "helping tom study." She smiled and said "why don't you just pop up and give them a pleasant surprise, its just studying. If her mom lets you sleepover then call me to let me know,okay." Your face brightened up and said "are you serious." She smiled and you huffed her "God, you're the awesomest foster mom ever, thanks." She smiled and went back to doing the dishes as you ran out the house.

You grabbed your bike and made your way to Shannon's house as fast as you could. You went up to her door and and where about to knock ,but then you heard your name. You put your ear up to the door. "I still think we should tell her Tom." You then heard Tom respond "We've already discussed this Shannon, its too risky to tell her something like that so early, besides we need to meet Rhydian before the moon rises." Shannon said "fine, but this isn't over." You then took your bike and hid so they wouldn't see you. Your curiosity got the best of you and you decided to follow them.

~~your pov~~

I stayed a safe distance away from Tom and Shannon so they wouldn't see me. What was so bad they couldn't tell me. I have plenty of secrets that I trusted them with. Why did they feel they couldn't trust me. I came to an abrupt halt as I saw them stop and put their bikes down. I did the same as I watched them walk into the woods. I regretted that I was still wearing my uniform skirt, but went on anyway.

When they finally stopped walking, I saw Rhydian. Was he in on it too. I saw their lips moving, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I then saw something incredible. Rhydian's eyes were amber and glowing. I stared in awe, his eyes. They were beautiful. In an instant he was replaced by a wolf. I was taken aback. I felt like running. I then saw the wolf sniffing the air. I bit my lip so I wouldn't make any noises and backed away slowly. I then stepped on a twig and fell backwards. Everyone turned their attention towards me and ran my way.

I then felt the creatures hot breath on my face. I trembled in fear. Shannon said "calm down, he won't hurt you. That's Rhydian." My eyes went wide and I said "Rhydian?" He came forward and nudged my arm. I was still trembling but I lifted a shaky hand to pet him, he nudged his head into my hand. I felt his soft fur as I felt my fear fade. He pulled away and turned back into a human. Rhydian looked me in the eyes before asking me a serious question. "Will you keep my secret?" I looked up at the full moon then back at him. "Yes, but first I have to confess something to you." He stayed quiet waiting for me to finish. I a deal smile and said "you don't have to return my feelings,I don't even expect you to return them so early after meeting me. But I just want you to know I like you." He responded with "I can't say how I feel about you yet.I'm still not sure myself." I nodded in understanding. The group took me home and we made an excuse to tell my foster mom. Things got so interesting in one day.

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