Chapter 1 Reminded

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Daryl's POV
I open my eyes and took a shallow breath from the cold, moist air that lay around me.
I looked up and saw nothing,nothing but pure white nothingness.
Pure white emptiness, pure white sarrow.
I sat up from the White bed I was laying on and looked around at the surroundings of where I had been laying.
All around me was just like what was above me, white.
I sigh as I get up from laying on the bed of white.
I start to walk around since I had nothing better to do.
I walk,and I walk,and I walk some more.
I walk,and I walk,and I walk.
I feel like I have been walking for hours on end.
My legs feel like they are about to give in and let me fall to the ground, but I keep pushing myself to keep moving on.
Telling myself she would want you to keep going,i have to be the last man standing, like she said...
I trail off at the thought of her,her blond hair,her blue eyes,her soft, sweat touch.
But I also think about the bad things,how I won't see her again,how there's now red blood in her long,blond hair,how there is no longer a shining beam of hope in her eyes,how she is no longer on solid ground,but instead six feet under that solid ground.
I have gotten so upset about her that I can't even say her name anymore without breaking down in tears and no longer being able to breathe.
A single tear ran down my face as I thought this. Why?
Why her?
Why couldn't you just take me?
I start to break down as more tears fell and my legs gave in.
I fall to the ground crisscross style.
Now I don't care.
I don't care about anything.
She's gone.
I don't want to live,to breathe,to sleep, do anything!!!
I just want her!!!
To see her,to feel her touch,to hear her beautiful voice sing to me,to love her like I should have,like I should be right now!!!
I scream and punch the ground several times.
I stop and cry again.
I wish.....I wish I could see her like she deserves........but no.....that right was taken from me......she was taken from me......I regret never saying anything.......I feel so much pain in my heart......I loved her.....and I still do...but....she's......she's....
I trail off and continue to cry.
Every time I start to care for someone they are taken away from me and I never see them again.
Like Merle,like her, like mom.
I continue to cry over her,my lover,my lose,my everything.
I cry until I pass out from exoustion.
I wake up to someone singing to me.
I can't make out the words,but the person sounds really familiar.
I try to open my eyes to see who it is but fail.
I then feel them brushing their hand over my long hair.
I could hear the voice good enough now to tell it was a women.
She sounds beautiful.
I wish my eyes would open so I can see her.
I can now hear the words to the song.
I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as he ring on my little cold finger
I've never known the loving of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in town says he'd love me forever
Who would of thought forever could be severed by a sharp knife of a shore life
Well I've had just enough time
Boy, she sounds familiar,who is she?
I struggle to think of who she could be.
Then it hits my like a brick to the head,it's her.
But it can't be.
I watched that bullet take her from me...she's dead!!
She's gone,I wish she wasn't but she is!!
It ain't her!!!
I try and try to open my eyes but they aren't bugging.
If it is her I want to see her,know it's her singing to me,know it's her touching me.
No,I don't want to know,I need to know!!
And I need to know now!!
My eyes finally begin to slowly open.
At first all I see is really bright lights all around, but when my eyes get adjusted to the light I she the one person who is my hope,my love,my everything.
"Beth,"I say as she looks at me and smiles.
God she's beautiful.
"Hi Daryl,"she says as she places her hand on my left cheek.
I put my hand to her hand and lean into it.
I love the way she touches me.
It makes me feel alive,hopefully,loved.
I smile at her and she returns the favor.
"I missed you so much,"I say to her.
I kiss her palm but soon after I put her hand back on my cheek.
I never wanted to let her go,I wanted her to stay right next to me.
"I missed you to," she says as she scoots closer to me.
I scoot closer too.
I put my hand on her cheek and rub my thumb in small circles on her cheek bone.
"You didn't have to stop singing," I say to her in a low whisper like someone was watching us and we couldn't let them hear us talk.
"I know,I just wanted to talk to you instead,"she says as she scoots closer to me.
"Well I must be real special for a beauty like you to want to talk to a beast like me," I say to her in a caring thankful tone.
Her smile fabes when I say this.
"Your not a beast,your something far.....far....."she couldn't find the words.
"Better,sweeter,kinder,or something like that,"I finish for her.
"all of those,"she says as a grin creeps up on her lips.
God,I want to kiss her so badly.
I scoot closer to her at the thought of her soft lips on my rough ones.
She sees what I'm doing and pulls her face closer to mine.
Now our faces are so close that I can feel her breath hit my lips.
"Are you sure about this,"I ask her.
"Kiss me and find out,"she answers back.
I finally put my lips on hers and the fire in my heart goes wild and spreads threw out my body.
I pull my hand away from her cheek and put it on her hip,pulling her body into mine.
I felt like this moment could never end.
But it did when she pulled away.
I looked at her with a questioning impression.
She looked up at me with sarrow eyes.
"What's wrong love,"I asked her in a concerned voice.
"I have to go,"she says as she goes to get up,but I grab her wrist before she can walk away.
"You don't have to go. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that,"I say as I look to the ground.
I feel a hand go under my chin and raise my face to look up.
I look to see Beth crouched next to me looking at me with sad eyes.
"It's not you Daryl. It's me. And yes,I loved your kiss,"she says as she moves her hand from my chin to my shoulder.
"No,there's nothing wrong with you. Your fine,"I say as I put my hand on her hand.
"But I still have to go,"she says as she pulls her hand away.
"No,please. You can't leave me again,"I say.
"I will never leave you. I'm always with you. Even if you can't see me,"she says.
"Please,I need you,"I say as I feel a tear run down my cheek.
"I will always be with you,"she says.
She kisses me on my forehead and stands up.
I couldn't hold the tears back any longer and they poured out like an endless waterfall.
I watch as she walks away from me.
I couldn't let her leave!
I just got her back!
"Beth,"I scream out to her as I get up and run towards her.
"Beth,"I scream again.
I run and run and run.
But now I know it,she's gone.
I watched her leave me all over again.
I stopped running and fell to the ground.
I hate myself!
I let her leave,again!
I slammed my fist on the ground over and over again.
"Daryl," I heard a familiar voice say.
I stopped what I was doing and looked around for anyone.
No one was around me.
"Daryl,"I heard the same voice say my name again.
Wait a minute,is that Rick?
"Daryl. Wake up,"I hear Rick say to me.
Wake up?
I'm awake.
"Daryl,"I hear him yell again.
My eyes open up and reveal Rick standing above me shaking me to wake up.
"I'm up. I'm up,"I say to him.
He stops shaking me and walks away.
I sigh and lay my head on the ground.
Bad dream.
Or was it a good dream?
I mean I saw Be-I mean her, but she left me,again.
Oh well, it doesn't matter.
But what does matter is why.
What have I been having the same dream since Atlanta?
I know she's gone,but I don't need to be reminded ever time I sleep.
But then again, I'm reminded even when I ain't sleeping.
I guess that's a good word for it.
It doesn't matter.
She's gone and I'm still here, without her.
I rub my eyes and sit up.
Everyone is getting ready for the long walk ahead of us.
I sigh and grab my crossbow.
Another day, yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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