The Dungeons

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I was picking at my food, my dad sitting on the opposite side of the dining table.

"What did the girl want?" He asked, looking up at me for a second but soon returning his attention to his dinner.

"Nothing worth telling, she just—" I thought for an excuse, "Wanted to be friends..?" Ha, even I wouldn't believe that.

Father roared with laughter, but then started coughing, I looked at him worriedly.

"Very funny, boy, but why would she want to be friends with an enemy kingdom? Let alone you." He sneered.

I sighed, and picked at my food. "Mhm."

"Tell me, Zane, what exactly did she say?" I shrugged.

"We didn't talk about much, she just introduced herself, and then asked me something..."

"And what was that something?" he asked, annoyed.

"You don't need to know that." I replied.

"I AM YOUR FATHER! I SHOULD KNOW!" He yelled and banged the table with his fist.

I rolled my eyes and lazily picked up a piece of broccoli with my fork, "Here's the deal. You tell me what exactly is going on with you and Scaleswind and what you are hiding from me and the kingdom, and I'll tell you what she told me."

He looked at me intently and I looked at him with a glare that said I dare you. He sat back in his chair, rubbing his beard in thought.

"Hmmm, you drive a hard bargain boy... But sadly no, I guess I'll have to figure that out the hard way." He said.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed," I pushed myself out of my chair leaving my food untouched. I walked down the narrowly and dimly lit hallways, opening my room's door. I sighed as I shut it and locked it securely. I turned around only to be met with a bird's beak, looking at me with a small parchment in its beak.

"GAH!" I whisper/shouted. I backed up against the door, in surprise. I looked questionably at the bird and slowly edged myself to my open window where it squeezed it's way in. The bird followed me and dropped the parchment on the windowsill and flew back out the window.

I watched the bird fly away for a few minutes before picking up the parchment and read it slowly.

Dear Zane,

No need for fancy introductions, I promised I would tell you about your mother didn't I? Here's the story; Your mother was very powerful, she had the power to control rivers and to knock out a hundred men. Your father at the time, married her for only love filled his mind whenever he saw her. Though when the incident happened, where your father almost died, he realized he could use her, for power, to rule the kingdoms. For she was a sorceress. The day came when he ordered her to be locked in to a steel enforced room, that had magical barriers activated by one of my ancestors. People say that she is still there, her magic being sapped from her each day. Some people think she died. And others think she ran off and soon starved to death. Who knows? I only ask of you to check the dungeons.


"What are you reading?" I jumped. My father was behind me as he snatched the note from my hand. His eyes scanned the letter, his mouth twitching in anger at every word.

"Father....tell me the truth."

"Stay away from that girl, she's making up lies and stories so you can turn against me." He tore the note apart and threw it out the window where the wind carried it off.

As soon as he did that he left and slammed the door behind him, not answering the question I asked earlier. I looked back out the window, my hands clenching the windowsill. I made up my mind.

Even if I knew my father would throw a tantrum, I would explore the dungeons.

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