The Village of Scaleswind

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Basil's POV~

  Warmth spread over me as I returned to my senses. I slowly opened my eyes, blinded by the sun rays that shone through a windows curtain. I pushed myself upward, sitting up. I looked down and saw a blanket was spread over me, different hues of blue and green painted it.

 I slipped out of the bed I was in and stepped towards the window, standing on my tip-toes. I leaned over the window sill, looking out below me, where many people were strewn through the cobble streets, shops lined at the curves.

"I swear I was in the forest...was it a dream..?" I rubbed me eyes and touched my head, where my flower crown was supposed to be, but instead of feeling the familiar silky flower petals, I was holding a clump of hair. I was surprised, as I staggered to a vanity mirror that was resting next to the bed. I looked at my reflection and was stunned when I saw that I was in a pure white night gown.

No. It wasn't a night gown. It was a dress.

"Basil?" a deep voice came from the front of the room as I spun around. My muscles relaxed when I saw familiar blue eyes poking out from behind the birch door.

"Garroth? What are you doing here?" he stepped inside the room, his hair a mangled mess. He still had his armor on.

"I was going to ask you the same thing...where are we?" he said, his voice showed no emotion as he looked around. I pulled my hand through my hair, trying to concentrate.

"I don't know...unless...." I went over to the window and looked around for a flag, and my eyes laid on a blood red one, fluttering in the wind. A golden dragon was carefully stitched on it, orange flames bursting from its mouth.

"Great...." the word rolled of my tongue, as I rubbed my temples. Garroth stepped over to the window next to me looking out. His eyes locked onto the flag, and he backed away, leaning on the vanity.

"Oh well...that's just great." he muttered, his voice dripped with venom.

The door swung open, banging against the white walls, and I looked up. A man with gray hair, from the stress of his job and blue robes with a grayish tint, worn from its color, stood in the hallway.

"Glad you could make it," he said. his voice was stern. I looked at my father, anger pulsing through my veins.

"It wasn't my choice. I was forced here." I spat out. A brow raised as he asked, "I am your father, shouldn't you be happy?"

My laugh echoed through the room and most likely the halls as well. Then I gave him a stern look,

"No. Give me one good reason I should be happy" I frowned deeper, "A good reason.."

He sighed, "You know, I always loved you, dear. Its just we are on the brink of war with O'kasis, and I can't afford loosing minutes due to childs play," he looked at me with a small smile. Garroth was looking between us, watching the bickery.

  Arms crossed, I turned around and stared at the horizon. The sun was high in the sky, clouds were scattered in the sky.

"If you love me, why would you force me to marry?"

"About that..."

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