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Basil yelped, as she stumbled to the side to avoid the knife that the Clone jabbed in her direction. The Clone growled and lunged at Basil but she quickly moved out of the way. Abby watched the Clone with a frown and tackled her to the ground. Basil got up and tried to pull Abby out of the tangle of arms and legs. I stood there in silent shock.

A voice interrupted.

"BASIL! STOP!" a man dressed in a mixture of white and blue robes quickly glided down a set of stairs that were to the right of me. Both Basil's turned their heads to look at the King of Scaleswind. The King stumbled to a stop in front of the two Basil's, breathing heavily.

"Dad?" they both said, angrily they both turned their heads to look at each other.

"HE'S MY DAD NOT YOURS!" the Basils copied each other's words. Finally, the real Basil crossed her arms and looked away in fury. The King took the real Basil's shoulders and looked into her eyes, ignoring the confused crowd. The Clone giggled harshly and I sent her a sharp glance.

"Basil, there's something I need to tell you.." her father said, but Basil looked at him with growing anger.


"Basil, you're the clone."

She stopped, a blank look on her face. I stumbled back shocked and looked at the King. No amused look was on his face. He was serious.

The supposedly real Basil snickered cruelly and Abby sent her a death glare. The Basil that was supposedly the clone backed away from the King.

"The person you are calling 'clone' is the real princess of Scaleswind, her name is Amity, you were an experiment that Scaleswind first launched, but your personality turned out completely different, haven't you noticed for dinner you always ate in your room? All these years we were trying to hide Amity from you..."

Tears were forming in Basil's eyes as she backed up to the door. I took a step forward but she quickly opened the door and ran out. Cursing under my breath, I ran to Abby and handed her a silver broadsword

"Make sure Garroth gets out of here, only use this if necessary," I ordered her and she nodded, turning to face the crowd.

It seem stupid to give a sword to a small child but I knew her father and I knew she would handle that sword responsibly.

I ran out the door, directing myself through the route that Basil ran off in. I finally found her in the woods leaning against a tree, her watery eyes closed. I sat myself next to her but she ignored me, shifting herself to her right so there was a small gap between us.

"Basil...." Her eyes stayed closed, and she didn't move.

"Hey Basil, I know you can hear me," I prodded. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Zane...." she said quietly, tears starting to form in her eyes quicker. I leaned in, hugging her and stroked her head, shushing her.

"It's alright..." I whispered and I could feel cold tears on my shoulder. I pulled away and looked at her. Basil was looking at the ground and a feeling washed over me. Without warning, I quickly closed the gap between us and pressed my lips against hers.

Basil's eyes widened in surprised but soon she closed them. I pulled away quickly, blushing furiously and butterflies flew through my stomach. Basil sat there, her eyes wide and her cheeks a rose red.

"U-uh...well...." I quickly rose and Basil followed my movements.

"Um..want to go..back...." Basil asked, silently, her arm linked with mine. I nodded and we started to head back to the church.

Our walk was in complete silence but we were both having silent conversations in our heads.


When we arrived at the door, Basil stopped abruptly, and untying her arm with mine.

"Did you let Abby have your sword...?" Basil asked, staring in shock. In front of us was Abby, smiling with her sword in hand. Guards were strewn across the floor, either unconscious of had a small cut that disabled them. The King of Scaleswind and my father were nowhere to be seen. Garroth as well has his diamond sword and breathing heavily, while the guests were running past us.

"Uh....hi brother..." I said to Garroth. He looked up at me, and instead of scolding me he ran up to me and hugged me. I choked a little.

"Brother!" Garroth exclaimed, pulling away.

"I thought you wouldn't help!" he exclaimed. I cracked a smile and Abby grabbed Basil's hand as two figures approached.

"There you guys are!" a woman with black hair called, Aphmau. Next to her was her guard, Laurence.

"Garroth, bro!" Laurence said, and slung an arm around Garroth's shoulder.

"Please don't start that again..." Garroth replied, sighing.

Aphmau smiled and saw Abby and bended down on one knee.

"Hey there! I'm Aphmau...and you?" she asked, looking at Abby.

"A-abby," said Abby, slowly. Aphmau smiled and got up.

"So, ready to head back to Phoenix Drop?" Aphmau asked. Laurence put his arm back to his side and nodded, along with Garroth. I shrugged and Basil smiled..

"Well let's go!"

Abby looked at Aphmau and bit her lip,

"Um...what about my dad...I don't know where he is..." she said shyly. Aphmau inspected Abby,

"Hey...your Jeffory's daughter aren't you? Don't worry kid, we'll get you back to him," Aphmau assured, smiling. Abby smiled back.

'Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

~~30 years later~~

I put down the pen, leaning back in my chair with a sigh. I finally written down my story in detail. A door opened behind me and I turned around.

The woman in the doorway smiled, her hand over her growing stomach and her brown hair in a loose braid that stopped at her waist. She walked over towards me and put a hand on my head.

"Come on Zane, why don't you play with the kids once in awhile?" she asked. I smiled at her,

"Sorry Basil, dear, don't worry, I'm done...for a long time now.."

"That stupid old diary?" she asked, flipping through its pages, the beginning was dusty and ends were dipped in orange from time.

"You can't call it stupid! You've wrote in it a few times as well!" I countered back and she let out a small laugh.

"Fine, touche, well? What are you waiting for? Come! Play with the kids!" she said. I leaned down and kissed her stomach as I got up.

"When does the doctor say she's coming?"

"Somewhere in April..." Basil smiled, and took my hand.

Then one we lived a very happy life

I made my ship sail....


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