Calum is nervous/shy meeting all of your family

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"Calum are you ready?" I shout at the steps waiting for him to come out of the bedroom.
"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec!" he shouts as I look at my phone. "You do realize you said that ten minutes ago, right?"
"I have to make sure I wear something sophisticated!" he says while coming to the top of the steps while rolling his sleeves up.
"Babe," I laugh as I stare up at him in a blue striped button up and black slacks. "You can just wear what you normally wear. Why don't you wear a t shirt and those black skinny jeans with the holes in the knees." I smile and he sighs.
"You could've told me that before I tried to figure out what to wear?"
"I would've, but I thought you knew you didn't have to dress up. We're just getting together for a cookout." I say as he heads back into the bedroom.
"I just want them to like me" he calls out and I smile at how worried he was.
"They will, I promise."
I killed the engine and turned to look at Calum who was playing with his hands.
"Cal- don't be nervous. You've already met half of them and they love you."
"Alright, let's go" he says opening the door.
"Hi everyone!" I smile while walking in.
"Y/N!" Everyone greets as they come and give me a hug.
"This is Calum, if you haven't met him yet." I smile while everyone says hello.
"Hi" he answers quietly and I squeeze his hand for reassurance.
I grab his hand and lead him over to the food where hot dogs, burgers, and a whole bunch of other foods were lined up. I grab a plate and start putting everything on it, "Don't be shy, take whatever you want." I smile as I watch Calum take a hot dog, no bun or anything, which was unusual for him. I know he is nervous and shy around my family, but he should at least eat something more than just a hotdog. "Want anything else?" "I'm good" he says while following me onto the patio.
"So Calum, what do you like to do?" My cousin asks him.
"Uh I don't really do much" he replies picking at his food.
"Do you play any sports?"
"Not really"
"What's your favorite video game?"
"I don't know..." he says and I could tell that my cousin didn't want to speak with him anymore as she went back to eating.
"Really?" I ask as I hit his arm.
"You know what. I know you are timid right now but you are never like this, why now?"
"I just don't want to screw up" he says.
I was trying not to get upset with him because I know he's sweet trying not to mess up but there really isn't anything to mess up.
"Hey Y/N, do you mind running to the store and grabbing some more hamburger buns?" My mom asks pointing to the grill.
"Sure. Calum I'll be back, try to talk to someone." I say squeezing his shoulder while standing up.
"Someone order some buns?" I ask as I walk outside.
"Great!" My dad says rushing to me
"Where's Cal?"
"I think he went inside with Aunt Carol."
I walk into the living room and I see Calum sitting across from my aunt. I could tell that he's warmed up to some of the people here.
"Hey" I smile as I sit on his lap. "I see you are finally talking to someone." I wink and my aunt laughs.
"He's told me quite a few things, he's a keeper." She smiles while grabbing her wine glass. "I'll be back, I still got more stories to listen to"
"So, was it that hard to speak up?" I laugh.
"No, I guess I was nervous for nothing. Your family is really nice." he kisses my cheek.

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