chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to my "sisters"

                                                                                                                                                         June 7, 2011

Today was just another strange day. it's not like we did anything important in class that would in anyway help my education, well exept maybe math class, but other than that just this giant assembly, which I hope some of the guys in our class got something out of because they shouldn't judge someone for the things that make up a person. I added a few frases and quotes to my "word wall" even though mom told me not to write on the wall... like I said, not an eventful day, just one of those lazy days where you feel like your going to die from heat. I've been in my room since I got home from school, not wanting to get in a fight with one of my brothers like I usually do... Summer camps coming closer though, and i heard that all but one of my friends that I kept in contact with from last years camp are coming as well! Then to top off my camp awesomeness, one of my best friends is coming with me, we're going to get some of the last things for camp maybe this friday? This friday would be great, a day with my friends the day after my big night! My big night is thursday, there having a cerimony thing for me and my fellow cadets :D I can't wait! the top three things on my count down list are cadets cerimony thing- thursday, Graduation- June 24th, and Camp- July 24th. I've been to lazy to actually figure out how many days till each, but the thoughts there right? Well, I tried. I can't believe our grad theme is Candyland, I mean nothing against Candyland or anything, but I would much rather the Masquraid one that we would have probably done if they hadn't done it two years ago. There are only three-four weeks of school left, and honestly I don't think I want to leave, but I know I can't wait to be free either. Summer Vacation, the time for beaches, lazy days, good books, perfect tans, trips to the movies and mall with friends, and an ever present cold drink of some sort. I'm itching to be free, yet hiding from the freedom of summer like I do every year, hopefully grad wont bring tears, but just in case I am so glad they invented water proof mascara!

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