entry 3

40 1 0

                                                                                                                                                      June 8th, 2011

Today was just amazing, I made it the whole day without one insult from the guys (That I know of...) I got my first paper crane, that was a very proud moment of my life :) church group was so much fun, we learnt that pants can save you from some pretty hard situations :P for proof goto www.iheartpants.org (Or don’t..) We had the band Message Through Motion come in and talk to us, they agreed to become best friends with me and my friends. Although I already kind of knew the one guy in the band because he was in the youth group when I started the junior high group at our church. Then they gave us ice cream treats and I may have had melted chocolate on my foot. I also may have left my bedroom window open so now my bed is soaked from the rain, I really should have thought that through...

Tomorrow is my Cadets thing. My mom ended up getting tomorrow off work for me (thank God) then my Aunt Ray is coming as well. My one best friend who I still think of as my best friend got a cell phone the other day and I know get wonderful morning text messages from her. I’m watching American Dad while typing this, just thought you all should know, this week seems busier than most. Today was church group, tomorrow’s cadets and Fridays the last school dance before grad and the weekly mall trip that me and my super awesome friends take.

I’ve completely change the path of my book that I need to write for literacy class. We have a four page maximum, who can write a whole story in less than four pages and keep it interesting, okay so most people can but that’s besides the point. I’ve written a bit of the story and have decided to expand it and post here on wattpad. Well that’s only if I actually end up finishing it...

I was thinking about what I’m going to do with my summer, I kinda want to have a boyfriend this summer but I know I wouldn’t actually date someone if I didn’t care about them the way I would want them to care about me. That and the fact that knowing me, I wouldn’t be able to get a boyfriend, or so everyone thinks. The band from today told us that we shouldn’t care what people think. That we should do what we feel we want to because that’s what God would want us to do.

Speaking of religion, I may be Christian, but what really bugs me is people trying to force others into a religion. If you force someone to believe the way you do, they might form a grudge towards that religion. Most of my friends believe nothing like me, and I love them all the same. The reason I’m a Christian is because it feels right to me, but that doesn’t mean that it feels right for someone else...

Sorry about that little religion rant, didn’t mean to offend anyone. I’m really sorry if I did offend someone though. I think it might have stopped thundering so I think I might be able to sleep. I don’t know why but I find it harder to sleep during a thunder storm, I’m not afraid of it, but I just don’t feel comfortable falling asleep during the storm. Night!

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