Chapter 1

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I sat up on my old mattress rubbing my eyes and looking around at my small, cramped room. Our apartment is tiny and dirty, it has so many bugs and rats in it. The corners of every room are caked with brown, oozy mold. I live in this tiny place with my mom; we have lived here since before I can remember. There aren’t enough bedrooms so we alternate who sleeps on the couch each week.

I slowly pull myself out of bed and listen for the familiar squeak of old springs. As I rest my eyes upon my old and chipped Cello. I go to the small closet and pull out an old white button down shirt and some grey slacks. Each have a number of holes in them but they are one of maybe five outfits that I own.

I pull off my ragged plaid shirt and sweat pants I wore to bed and pull on my outfit for today as I make my way toward my cello. Since my Father died in the World War Two, I have made my life dedicated to music. All of my friends, I pushed away, except one, the person that makes me most happy is Adrian. She never left, even when I treated her like the ground I walk on to get her to leave, she stayed. She always comes over before and after school and on the weekends to check on me. She has been such a help to my Mother as well.

Today Adrian will be over early because her parents are going through a rough patch. They fight every night and she and her three siblings have to pretend they don't hear the noises. A quiet, firm knock sounds on the front door of my apartment alerting me that someone is here.

 The sound of the deadbolt unlocking comes next then I hear Adrian's quiet voice say  "Hey, Vito, I'm here!. I hope you don't mind I let myself in." I can't help but let a small smile spread on my lips. I am about to do something mean.

Quickly, I hide the only sign of happiness I rarely give and say "Back here!" turning to my Cello once again.

Swiftly plucking all of the strings my ears tune into the strong, soulful sound. Then I grab my bow and guide it gently through the scales one by one. Using the bow gave each note a sustained sound, holding it out longer. As for when you pluck you get a shorter crisp burst of the note, not very much length.

Since I've memorized many songs I speed through the first one that pops into my mind. I take it a couple beats too fast and am done in less than two minutes. I hear faint footsteps stop in front of the closed door. I can tell Adrian is listening to me. I continue until I have completed all scales, major and minor. When I am done I slowly set down the Cello and go to the door. I pull it open quickly, surprising her. She was leaning against the door so she falls into the room. I bend down and help her up from the ground as she scowls up at me. 

"Lord, Vito you scared me!" She exclaims in a fit of laughter.

"Sorry," I say hanging my head with mock shame. I think I fooled her and slowly ease my way up to her and tickle her sides making her laugh so loud all of the west side could probably hear her.

"Stop! Please, you're killing me!" She gasps in between laughs. I pull my hands back once I've had enough of her cries of mercy. 

"Oh fine, you little wimp!" I tease her glancing around the room, searching for something to talk about. 

"Have you eaten anything?" She asks with her motherly face planted, I know I can't get out of this one. 

"Yes, of course." I lie but she catches it as quick as a cat with a mouse.  

"Oh you are such a liar! Don't you know that I can tell when you lie by now?." She asks, shaking her head at me

"Okay so I haven't eaten yet, I'm not hungry though." I say roughly.

Adrian just shakes her head again and goes towards the small kitchen area with a fridge and oven. She pulls a bag of flour out of the cabinet and turned to the fridge, snagging an egg and milk too. As she is starting to cook the pancakes I make small talk. 

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