Condition Terminal: Part 2

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Theo and I were waiting for the food to go down before we get up and continue to play. I was telling Theo some things I do before I play a game.

"I touch the grass, bring my hand to my lips and kiss it and lastly I point a finger to the sky. I feel like it brings me good luck."

"Everyone has thei-"

He was cut off by a lacrosse ball hitting my water bottle which was right in front of us. I stood up.

"HEY!" I shouted annoyed.

"Sorry Chels."

Brett came towards us and I hopped off the bleachers. He caught me and I laughed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he put me down.

"I was going to see if you wanted to go a round?" He winks.

People around us must be thinking we are talking about sex. We're actually talking about playing a game of lacrosse.

"Yeah." I nod.

"A round?" Theo comes down and questions.

"Not what you think." Brett laughs. "You must be Theo. I'm Brett, Chelsea's ex."

Theo looks between us surprised. He looks at me for answers and I playfully hit Brett.

"Brett was more of a day fling." I correct.

"I'm hurt Chels." Brett placed his hand over his chest and pouted. "Kidding. Love you." He brings me into brotherly hug.

"Wait so you two. . ." Theo trailed off.

"Oh no." Brett shook his head. "We like messed around but she was into Liam."

"So no sex just kissing?"

Okay why is Theo so curious?

"No sex just kissing." I confirm.

"Well in that case what's a round?"

"A game of lacrosse." Brett answers.

"In five minutes." I walk away leaving them alone.

I go back to the bleachers and searched for my water bottle. Where the hell is it?

"Is this yours?"

I look up to see Liam holding my water bottle. I look back and forth from Liam's face and my water bottle. He holds it out and I take it.

"Thank you."

~ ~

Third Person P.O.V.

Liam watches as Chelsea sits down and ties her laces. He slowly sits down next to her but not too close.

"So how are you?" He asks her but he immediately regrets it because girls tend to not take that well after a recent break up.

"I'm okay." She replies.

He couldn't tell whether it was a lie or the truth since her heart beat is steady.

"That's good." He nods.

Okay this just turned awkward.

"So rumors are going around." He clears the silence.

"What rumors?" She questions looking out to the field. Not once has she made eye contact.

He on the other hand wants her to look at him. He wants to know the truth. Are Theo and her really dating?

"That many guys want to ask you to Homecoming." He blurts out the wrong rumor.

Stay Together ~Liam Dunbar/Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now