Condition Terminal: Part 3

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I was hanging out with Hayden downtown. Turns out we have a lot in common.

"Liam keeps bugging me about you and Theo." Hayden says on the food court line.

"Yeah we argued the other day. I don't even know why we argued we aren't even together anymore." I scoff.

"He still loves you." She points out.

"Lies. We never said 'I love you' to each other."

"Alright you got me there but he still likes you."

"Yeah and I do too but. . ." I trail off.

"But what?"

"I don't know. Mixed feelings?" I shrug.

"You have feelings for Theo?" She smirks.

"They are surfacing. I mean he's been with me so far."

"Are you sure he's not a rebound?" She questions.

I start laughing and she joins.

She stops, "On the serious note, is he a rebound?"

I just shrug, "Maybe he's not."

We ordered our food and paid for it. We waited on the side for our food.

"So why do you hate Liam?" I asked curiously..

"I don't hate him it's just that when we were in the 6th grade there was a fight between Liam and this kid. Me being the idiot that I am, I walk into the fight. Liam hit me by accident but I didn't take it so well." She explains but stops when our food is handed to us.

We looked for a table to sit at and she continues with her story.

"For my yearbook photo, I had two black eyes and a busted nose." She takes out her phone and shows me the photo.

"Oh my god." I wince.

"Yeah but you should see his photo." She scrolls through her phone and stops at Liam's 6th grade yearbook photo. He had two black eyes as well. "I got him back even though he did it by accident."

I chuckled, "I would have done the same."

We ate our food and talked about girl stuff.

"Ugh." She looked at her phone. "Why bother me now?"

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's my boss." She sighs. "I have to work tonight even though I asked for the night off."

"Where?" I curiously asked.

"I work as a shot girl at a club called Sinema." She says lowly

I understand why she said it lowly due to the fact that she's under age and she could get her boss in trouble if they find out he's hiring under age kids.

An idea popped into my head, "Is he hiring?"

She grins, "He is."

"You think you can hook a sista up?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"I'll text him." She winks and I giggle.

We finished eating and walked around the mall waiting for her boss to text back. We entered a couple a couple of stores. I got a few things that I believe I needed. I'm a shopaholic and I'm proud!

"My boss said to stop by. You want to head there now. . If we're done shopping." She says holding out her five shopping bags

I nod, "Let's head there then."

Stay Together ~Liam Dunbar/Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now