When They Learn Spinjitzu

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A/N: This was highly requested, so thank you to everyone who requested this chapter!

Also, the picture above is what Phoenix, Nixon, Asher, Fawn and Eclipse might look like. Thank you Demigod_399 for finding these pictures! All credit for this picture goes to her.

I have found what they might look like anime style, that picture will be in the next chapter.

If anyone would like to find pictures/collages, or draw pictures of their own, I would be more then happy to show them in a chapter. You can find the descriptions of the kids in the first book, or I can PM them to you, just ask.

Thank you all for your suggestions and opinions in the A/N, that really helped me out!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia Out!!


Phoenix has been really anxious to learn Spinjitzu since he found out about his powers. Kai has been waiting for the right time to teach him, and he finally thinks that now's the time.

You stand against the wall of the training room while Kai shows Phoenix what to do.

Kai demonstrates, spinning into his fiery, red tornado. Phoenix's eyes light up and a smile plants itself on his face

"Think you can do it?" Kai asks, after he'd stopped spinning.

Phoenix nods and gets into position. He begins spinning around and around. Once he finally gets going fast enough, he spins into a red tornado, one just like his father's.

Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs agape, that is, until he spins out of control and smashes into one of the many training dummies.

"Phoenix!" You and Kai rush over to him

"Ugh..." He groans as he slowly stands back up

"Are you okay.?" Kai asks

"Yeah. I think so." Phoenix puts his hands on his back, bends back and cracks it, making you wince a little

"Well, you did Spinjitzu, that's good... I guess..." You mumble the last part. To you, Spinjitzu just looks painful

"Yeah. I did!" His face lights up

"Congratulations." Kai smiles happily at his beaming son. You smile as well, at your boys.


Fawn has been wary to try Spinjitzu, but she finally thinks she's ready to give it a try. You sit quietly on the grass outside, as Zane begins teaching a worried-looking Fawn how to do Spinjitzu

"Alright Fawn, I would like you to be very careful when doing Spinjitzu your first few times. Do not worry if you do not succeed the first time, it may take a while." Zane looks extremely calm as he spins into his icy, white tornado

"Whoa, it's still as cool every time!" Fawn happily exclaims. Zane smiles sweetly as he finishes spinning

"Now, I would like you to try."

"A-alright..." Fawn hesitantly begins spinning.

It takes her a while, but, once she finally begins spinning fast enough, she spins into a beautiful, light pink tornado

"She's doing it!" You exclaim

She finally stops spinning. Only then, do you see that her eyes are closed

"Did I do it?" She asks, opening one eye a slit

"Great job sweetheart." Zane proudly kneels down and hugs her. You run over and join in on the family hug

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