Chapter 1 - Can't Touch This

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For being an asspwning sister i would never have if I hadn't know her :)

 Written by NinjaComesNaturally & SoftNinjaHug and edited by xofreefallinox :)


“Move your ass Haruki!” Gen growled as she hit her little brother in the head with the butt of her staff.

Haruki scowled and hissed at his sister. His hand going up to his hair to fix his shark fin-like hair.

“Gen, watch it. I don’t like to have messy hair.” He said scowling at his sister, still patting the hairs on his head.

Gen smirked, “Well than you should actually be meditating instead of sleeping.”

Haruki still scowling at his sister, rearranged himself on his pillow and tried to fall back into his cat nap.

Silence lapsed in between the siblings as one of them fell asleep and the other actually did what she was told. A rustling had Gen on her feet in moments, but Haruki, whom had already fallen asleep fell sideways off his pillow after being smacked in the forehead by the dull end of the stick.

“I wish I could go hide in a mouse hole and never come out.”  Haruki complained, rubbing his forehead irritably.

Gen paid little attention to her younger brother and looked out into the bamboo forest, her brown eyes scanning the bamboo with the severeness of a hawk. She had the sharp features of a her brother. The rustling came to life again and Gen backed up a step, ignoring her brother’s protests as she repeatedly poked him with the stick to shut up. Haruki, not getting why to shut up, hit his sister with the pillow he had been sleeping on. Gen stumbled forward, and her staff flew out of her hands. Gen threw a nasty look over to her brother, but the rustling captured her attention again.

Haruki, hearing the noise for the first time looked out into the shoots of bamboo, “Who’s there?” He asked loudly. Gen rolled her eyes, and jumped to her feet--much like a cat, her brown hair falling like a curtain around her. Haruki swiped at  her hair, transfixed at the glittery strands.

He moved his hand in the shape of a paw and swiped through it again, ignoring the dull pain in his knee as Gen kicked him. She was awfully close to kicking him in the nuts. Gen herself  wasn’t paying any attention as her gaze was strictly fixed on the forest.

“Haruki, i know you have the attention span of a fruit fly, but go grab your katana from inside, now.” She ordered, reaching for her stick.

Haruki nodded and didn’t say anything, sensing the danger he swiftly lept onto the roof and dived into the chimney. Roughly 20 seconds later, he popped out of the chimney holding his katana with a deathly glare, his face covered in thick black eyeliner, that he had borrowed from his sister’s bathroom. Gen rolled her eyes at her brother’s zaniness before charging into the forest, hitting the people as they came at her. Her stick raised fiercely in the air, before swinging it, cutting through the air and slamming it into the person’s gut.

Haruki appeared moments later, his katana blade reflecting the sunshine, gleaming as he raised it in defense. For a moment he seemed tempted to fix his hair as he caught his own reflection in the blade but seemed to fight the urge. “Ugh,” Haruki groaned in despair.

Gen snuck a peek over her shoulder to see how her brother was doing and couldn't’t help but laugh at the constipated look of concentration on his face as he desperately pawed at his own hair, the attackers gaping at him.

“Are you sure these are the kids?” one of the attackers asked.

Gen spun around and glared at the man, his grey eyes looking startled at the glare.

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