chapter 6

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Steve Rogers POV

Her eyes. Her eyes are bright red and are staring straight at me and my teammates. She lunges at the glass but doesn't break through. I just stare and not anything to help her. Yes, help her. Again, she puts her head in her hands in pain. Then I think of something.

"Tony! Hand me the Night-Night gun!" I yelling striding over to him.

He looks away from Scarlet and reaches around his desk. He finds it and tosses it to me. The glass shatters and falls out Scarlet with cuts on her hands and face from the glass. She looks up at me with angry/sadness on her face.

I pull the trigger and watch her fall back down to the ground. I race up to her and see that I shot her in the forehead.

"What the hell just happened?" Clint breaks the silence.

"I don't know." I whisper to myself.

-hour later-

We put her back in the room she was sleeping in with all her clothes and stuff in there. Her mom come right after the attack. But she didn't see what happened.

I open the door to the room to find her sitting up awake, looking out the window with tears in her eyes.

"Hey." I speak up making her jump and turn towards me. She gives me a weak smile. I walk over to her and sit at the end of the bed.

"That wasn't me, by the way." She states not looking back at me. Her eyes are puff and her hair is a mess from her hands running though them. She's wearing one of my sweaters that looks way too big for her.

"That's what Bruce is trying to figure out. Is what whatever that was that was trying to attack us." I look at her moving closer towards her trying to get her to look at me.

Her eyes go wide like she remembers something.

"Holy shit." She gets out of the bed and runs out, with me following behind trying to get her.

"Language!" I mumble to myself. She sprints done the hallway and turns into the living room which leads to...the lab? Why would she go back in there?

I catch up to her walking over to Bruce and Tony who are still working on her or something. I don't eve know what their doing half the time in here.

"Cut open my wrist." She says to Bruce who turns to her.

"What?! Are you crazy?" I raise my voice at her. That was not what I was expecting.

Bruce looks at Tony who looks at Bruce. Then back at Scarlet.

"Why..?" Tony trails on.

"Because it will help solve the problem that I have." She says walking over to one of their tables and gets a surgical knife and hands it to Bruce.

"Just do it." She demands. He slowly takes the knife and leads her over to the lab table and clears everything off. She puts her arm down and nods for him to start.

I look away once he puts the knife in her skin. I hear her suck in her breath and groan a bit.

"Tony! I found something!" Bruce calls to Tony. He looks at me and goes over to Bruce. I might as well go over a see what her found.

When I look over Tony's shoulder I see her wrist cut down the middle opening up. Agh god. I really hope this doesn't hurt her, cause it's hurting me. Once I look past the open wrist, I see a little chip, or device of some kind.

"Well get it out of her wrist god damn it!" I yell at Bruce and Tony seeing my daughter in pain.

"It's not that easy Cap. This could be a bomb or something similar to that." He snaps at me.

"Do what my dad said! It's not a bomb just get it out of me jeez!" She groans in pain and looks away.

Tony rolls his eyes and gets the surgical scissors and cuts the wiring taking it out and placing it on the table.

"Now let me get you stitched up.." Bruce tails on and turns away for Scarlet. She looks back at her wrist and folds the two skin pieces together. I watch in amazement has they heal, stitching themselves together. Bruce comes back with everything and looks down at the healed wrist. He stops and smiles.

"Healing powers. I'm impressed." He puts down the equipment. With that he walks away.

I step in front of her catching her attention. She looks up and smiles.

"Do you want to get out of this place and get something to eat?" I ask her.

"That would be wonderful." She says standing up. "I just need to get out of these comfy clothes and into something a bit nicer."


A little chapter here, but next will be a longer chapter on Scarlet's POV. I know I'm really bad at showing the characters emotions and all, but I'm trying to get better trust me lol


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