V. Lie

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Chapter 5

Lie(verb): to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.

Don't forget to leave some comments guys!

Rylan's POV

A month, a whole month I have lived here.

I'd be kidding myself if I said I didn't miss the familiarities of home, the sense of comfort I got when I walked the same sidewalks I did when I was a kid, saw the buildings I used to visit with my family. When I look around Langston Shores I can tell the tradition of family is rooted deep into the community, something that wasn't present in San Diego, something you'd have to see to get a unique feeling simply indescribable.

It made me miss home even more than before, the constant thought of traveling back nagged me on the daily, always present in the back of my mind but I pushed it deeper and ignored it, but the thing about these thoughts, the pain, it all demands to be felt and eventually, it all would be.

I sat in my empty apartment, alone as I always was staring at the wall of my bedroom which had become quite a habit of mine. Unless I'm working or running I remained her, pathetically staring at damn wall missing chunks of pain and drywall.

Thinking I could run away from my problems was the most fucked up thing that has ever crossed my mind, at first I convinced myself that I could do it, leave everything behind and just forget. The thing about forgetting something is you don't get to choose what you want to forget, your brain forgets the simplest of things such as where you left your keys or what time you were supposed to meet with friends, the complexity of some memories make it impossible for your brain to forget them, instead it does the exact opposite and brands them into your head.

The loud thud of knocking echoed through the practically empty apartment probably knocking some of the drywall lose in its wake, pulling the covers from my body I stepped from the bed stepping out of my bedroom into the living room.

"Hey Ry." The disappointment in my face couldn't be shielded "Uh hey Calum." Rubbing my exposed arm awkwardly I managed a smile

"I was just walking by and thought I would come and say hi." Without an invitation to enter he brushed passed me walking in, this kid really did bother me.

I drug out a breath before nudging the door shut "Um- nice place you got here." Looking around the words hitched in his throat "Don't you know how to decorate? Don't all girls know how to do that or do you just choose to live in a haunted house." I ground my teeth at his words, this kid was really beginning to test my patience and he's been here for less than a minute.

"I guess I skipped out on the gene." I replied dryly, shooting him a smug smile

He seemed oblivious to my hard pressed attitude, instead he chuckled at my words like they were meant to be a joke.

"Seriously though Ry no family pictures? Your family is either pretty fucked up or you don't have any." My fists clenched at my side threatening to launch and beat him at any given moment, silently counting to ten I remained rooted to the floor "Sorry, touchy subject?" Oh I'm about to show you touchy, my fists are about to get real fucking touchy with your fac- "Anyway, do you want to go grab a bite to eat?" He inquired, once again oblivious to my constant prayers I was sending for God to give me the strength not to whoop this guy's ass

"I already ate." I lied straight through my teeth, he was probably too dumb to know anyway "Ah that's a shame." He mused turning to face me, caressing his jaw he gave me a smug look "Maybe another time then hm?" He inquired taking a step forwards, he cringed slightly when the boards beneath him let out a rather large creak "Maybe." I muttered cutting off the conversation

"Well then I guess I'll head out, you sure you don't want to come with?" Reaching for the door handle he looked over his shoulder towards me "I'm sure, thanks though." I emphasized giving him a curt nod "Alright suit yourself." He mumbled swinging open the door, without another word he shut it behind him leaving me to breathe out in relief.

Justin's POV

Walking down the porch steps I straightened out my flannel slightly, adjusting my grip on the vibrant orange flowers I held making sure not to damage them in anyway "You look nice Justin, who are those flowers for?" My mother called from the garden, freezing I turned to meet her eager gaze "Um just to Rylan's, I thought she could use them to brighten up her apartment." I explained dryly, rolling my eyes at the expression her face held.

"Alright, tell her I said hello and thank you for the pie." Nodding shortly I continued up the driveway "And make sure you smile!" I heard her yell faintly making me chuckle slightly

Her apartment was a rather short walk and took about five minutes to get there, letting out a deep breath I reached for the door to the building only to have it pushed out into me "Watch where you're going m-" Regaining my footing I looked up to meet the smug gaze of Calum "Well what are you doing here?" He laughed, when his eyes caught the flowers he raised his brows "Ah so you got a crush on Rylan, might as well give up that because you aint got a chance with her, she doesn't date freaks."

Clenching my fists I tightly shut my eyes, taking slow deep breaths "You have nothing to give her, she needs someone to take care of her not a poor queer like you." His words her distant and faint yet burrowed themselves in my mind, taunting me to do something I didn't want to do "Stay away from my girl, got it?"

Re-opening my eyes I bit back the urge to strangle him "Your girl?" I seethed taking a step threatening step towards him "Yea my girl, what did you think she liked you this whole time?" He drifted off letting out a sharp laugh "The only one she is interested in is me, get that through your head and just give up your pathetic little crush, no one wants to date your freak ass, Rylan certainly isn't any different because she's new."

Letting his words sink in I dropped my gaze to my feet, just as he was about to speak again the door creaked open behind him "What in the hell is goin- Justin?" Glancing shortly at Rylan only fed my rage, she faked being into me this whole time, this whole damn time she led me on.

"Calum what the hell did you say to him?" She sounded so mad, her tone was low and clipped "I just told him the truth baby." He replied starkly, at that point I composed myself tossing the bouquet to the gravel at her feet simply turning on my heels I walked away, ignoring her calls, her pleads for me to come back, I knew she was just like the rest of them.

Rounding the corner of the building I let out a grunt of anger driving my fist forward into the brick wall, blood fell freely from my now split knuckles but no pain came, it was all numb.

She was just like them.


Can anyone make me a new cover for this book?

This was a shorter chapter, next chapter will be much longer I promise!

What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think of Calum?

Any predictions for future chapters?

Love you all!



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