VI. Gone

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Chapter 6

Gone(adjective): lost or hopeless.

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Rylan's POV

My voice diminished as he rounded the corner, disappearing around the old brick building, I've never seen such a look of betrayal in my life.

"What the hell did you tell him?" Adverting my attention back to Calum anger quickly arose in my body, clenching my teeth tightly I narrowed my eyes watching as he shrugged cockily "The idiot thinks you like him so I just told him something that would get him off your back."

"Off my back, Calum you are the only person I want off my back. You are nothing but a self-absorbed self-centered ass hole and the fact that you don't even realize it is pathetic." Drawing in a deep breath I shook my head briskly "Just go home Calum."

He opened his mouth to speak but shut it just as quick, to my relief he turned on his heels and stomped off down the street. Running a quick hand through my hair I blew out a puff of air, debating whether I should go after Justin or let him blow off some steam.

Looking down I couldn't help but smile softly at the bright flowers resting at my feet, picking them up I gently shook the dirt from them before inhaling there heavenly scent.

Something inside me ached at the thought of Justin, the look on his face etched deeply into my brain bringing a wave of guilt over me. I didn't know how I felt for him, whether I liked him more than a friend or not didn't matter, I cared for him and that was all that mattered.

The walk to Justin's house was short, considering I practically jogged in anticipation. Climbing the steps I knocked on the door biting my lip as a way to try and suppress my nerves, why I was nervous I didn't know.

The door swung open revealing Pattie, she furred her brows slightly in confusion "Rylan? What can I help you with?" Wiping her hands on the towel previously slung over her shoulder she smiled slightly "Is Justin here? He ran off and I don't know where he went." I panted slightly out of breath from jogging here

"The last time I saw him he was headed to yours, did something happen?" She opened the door wider stepping aside so I could step in "Calum told him something, I don't exactly know what but he just took off after that." I explained glancing around the room curiously

She muttered something before shutting the door behind her "Justin doesn't get along with Calum that well, I'm sure you know this." She sank onto the arm chair as I sat on the couch across from her "I can see why."

She sighed rubbing her forehead "He will be home soon, he always comes home after things like this happens."

Things like this? How often does Justin get into confrontations with people?

As if it were on que the door swung open, stepping in shortly after was a deep in thought Justin whose eyes immediately found mine. He stared for a moment before slowly shutting the door behind him, Pattie seemed to have notice the tension in the air and quietly excused herself leaving the two of us to stare at one another.

"Why are you here?" He spoke monotonously breaking the thick silence, clearing my throat I stood up "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Trailing off I brought my eyes to his, he stood frozen for a moment before kicking off his shoes to the right of the door

"I'm fine, you can leave now." He muttered taking off upstairs without another word, before I could stop myself I followed him, he didn't seem to notice until he went to shut his door and my hand stopped it from doing so, turning his head he narrowed his eyes

"I don't know what he told you to make you storm off like that Justin and I'm sure the last person you want to see is me but I'm not going to let you do this." I stated lowly, eyeing the obvious tension in his body

He licked his lips dropping his gaze to the floor "You're right." He muttered letting out a sarcastic laugh making my brows fur "You are the last person I want to see so Rylan do me a favor and just leave." I watched his fists clenched tightly

"I'm not going to leave without you telling me what he said Justin, I'm sure none of it was true and I'm not going to let you shut me out based on something he said." Standing my job I watched intently as he shrugged off his white and black flannel leaving him in a simple white t-shirt "Justin just tell m-"

"Tell you what huh?" I was caught off sharply by his fist connecting with the surface of his desk "Why didn't you just tell me you were dating him? Was it fun for you to watch me develop feelings for you Rylan?" I bit my lip snapping my gaze to him "Me and Calum are not dating, gosh Justin I don't like the kid any more than you do."

He snorted muttering something under his breath "Is that the best lie you can come up with Rylan?" Shaking my head I suppressed the urge to walk out after his accusation "I'm not lying." I stated lowly, instead of replying he simply laid back on his bed, ignoring my statement and presence entirely

At a loss for both words and actions I simply stood in the doorway, staring at him hopelessly wanting him to say something, anything at this point.

"So that's it, that's all you are going to do is just sit there?" My anger bubbled to the surface watching as he shrugged, letting out a puff of hair I reached up and swiped my hair from my eyes

A timid knock came to the already open door, Pattie peeked in next to me holding a plate of cookies with a hopeful smile which was cut short as she took in the scene in front of her "I'm actually going to head home," Swallowing the lump in my throat I gave one last look to Justin who remained motionless "Bye Pattie." Pushing past her slightly I made my way down the stairs through the front door

Justin's POV

As soon as she walked out of the room my mother was quick to give me a stern glare "I'm not in the mood to hear it ma." I mumbled already knowing what she was going to say, instead of arguing she shook her head

"I really thought you were going to try with her Justin, I really did." Looking back up at me she studied me "She cares for you Justin but you make it so hard for anyone to do that anymore, I'm so sick of watching my son destroy everything he has and not even realize he is doing it."

Turning my back to her I buried the side of my head into the pillow "I'm done telling you to be happy, if you want to live like this then so be it." With her words handing in the air she walked out of my room, shutting the door behind her

Squeezing my eyes shut I rubbed the palms of my hands tiredly against my face, to say I was tired was an understatement. I was exhausted.

Physically, mentally, I was sick of trying to 'be happy' as my mother would put it.

Happiness comes and goes, you never truly appreciate what or who you have in your life until it's gone.


Hey guys! I know its been a while but ive had a lot to do these past few weeks!

My birthday was on Wednesday and I had my road test on Thursday which I passed and I had a job interview on Friday which I got the job!

What do you guys think of the new cover?

Thoughts on this chapter?

Anything you guys want to see happen in the future?

What do you think of Justin so far?

What do you guys think of Rylan so far?

Love you all!





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