Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I not sure if anyone reads this anymore, its been a while but heres a chapter!

Rylan's POV

The familiar chime of my alarm clock broke through my sleep forcing my eyes open, groggily I yawned shutting it off bringing some relief to myself.

Laying back on my side I looked out of my already open curtains looking at the distant sun over the horizon which had risen a couple hours ago, forcing myself from my bed I decided on a shower to at least wake me up a little bit before I went to work.

Entering the bathroom I retrieved two towels from the cabinet and set them on the counter by the shower door, turning the water on I waited for it to warm up before stripping off my pajamas and hopping in.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee I hastily tucked in my shirt and place a final bobby pin in my hair before sitting down at the table.

Grabbing my phone from the counter I picked it up "Ry?"

I smiled at the excitement in his voice "Hey Declan." Relaxing back against the chair I stared at the rim of my coffee cup "How's it going?" Subconsciously I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth

"It's well- okay I suppose. How are you doing in- where was it you disappeared to again?" Sighing I ran my finger through my ponytail "Langston Shores, it's only a hour away from San Diego," I trailed off unsurely "And I didn't disappear, I told you I was moving."

"Yea the day before you left, I didn't even get a proper good bye from you." Speechless I thought for a moment parting my lips only to close them again, a few beats of silence filled the line before he spoke again "I miss you."

"I know, I miss you too, a lot more than you know." The words got caught slightly as they came up "I really didn't know what to do Deck, how was I supposed to stay there after everything that happened, you were the only one in the whole city who cared for me."

"Sometimes having one person in your life is the best way to go, less knives to have stabbed in your back." He muttered shortly "I know why you left and I can't say I don't blame you Ry it's just did it really have to be so sudden?"

"I have to go Declan," Wiping a stray tear I finished off my coffee "I'll call again soon I promise you."

"Yea okay." The exhaustion was clear in his voice, I mentally slapped myself for cutting him off like this "I love you Declan, even if you don't believe that I do."

"I believe you Ry, we'll talk later." With a click the line went silent, moments passed and I just stared at the screen wanting to call him back, wanting to have the conversations I used to have with him, I just wanted my best friend back.

"Morning honey." Sally greeted as I walked into the kitchen to retrieve my apron "Morning." I replied tying it in the back

We talked for a little bit before I exited the kitchen and went into the dining room, standing on my tip toes I looked to make sure everything was in stock, as I reached to get more styrafoam cups the front door bell ringed signaling someone entered.

"I'll be right with you." I yelled over my shoulder finally grasping the cups with the tips of my fingers, setting them on the counter next to me I turned slightly.

"I was hoping we could talk."


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