II. The Bandaged Man

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Audio File #23

"This girl.. Sophie Liaz. She intrigues me. There's something about her. While it is still unknown to me what her diagnosis is, Jimenez seems to insist that I forget all about her.

But why? What is he hiding from me? Has he discovered something without my knowing?

Whatever her condition is, I intend to find out. At any cost.."

~ Ruben Victoriano

Today was just like any other day.

Screaming. Hollering. Crying. Noises of distress and horror constantly echoed throughout the hospital. Most had no cause, existing only as a patient's nervous tic, though some were the result of treatment: a daily routine that Sophie had quickly grown to dread during her time here.

Treatments could be anything, from shots and injections to being hooked up to a machine that jolted raw pain through one's body. They had always told her that it helped her condition, and she believed it. After all, everyone else had to experience treatment..

One cry caught her attention, solely because she recognized the owner of the broken voice. It was Leslie Withers, one of the only people in this prison that she could call 'friend'. Two doctors held him by the shoulders and proceeded to drag him to one of the rooms. The white haired boy cried but didn't struggle much, only shake his head repeatedly and whimper.

"No...pain no...t-treatment...bad..p-pain pain pain..No!"

"Hush now Leslie," one of the doctors cooed in a sickeningly innocent tone, "it'll be over before you know it."

"No no no no pain, NO!" He cried out just before they dragged him inside. The metal door slammed shut, causing Sophie to jump slightly.

She sighed and kicked her legs off the edge of the couch she sat upon. She was currently in the main reception, where many couches and chairs were provided for both patients and visitors. Of course, Beacon didn't receive many visitors..

Her thoughts began to linger on her dear friend, Leslie. Though he didn't say much except for some repetitive mutters and stammering, she enjoyed his company and sweet nature. He was a good listener of course, though he did become easily distracted at times. She remembered not too long ago she'd tried to have a conversation with him at the playground. It was quite one sided, since he was too concentrated on a fluttering butterfly to hear her. "Pretty.. Pretty. Pretty." She remembered him repeat, making her giggle softly at the memory.

Her daydreaming was suddenly cut short when a sequence of muttering was heard a short distance away. Lifting her head she spotted her fath- well.. Dr. Jimenez. As always he had a clipboard in hand and mumbled constantly to himself as he scribbled down on a sheet of paper. She frowned softly and decided to return to the few good memories she retained.

That is, until she saw him.

Following close behind Jimenez was the bandaged man she'd seen just yesterday. Her blue eyes glistened with curiosity as she examined every inch of him. He was around the same height as Jimenez, but much thinner. He was dressed in slightly formal attire, consisting of a pale grey/blue sleeved shirt, dark grey pants, and brown shoes. Heavy bandages enveloped nearly every visible part of his body, save for his fingertips and most of the left side of his face. He reminded her of a mummy the way he was wrapped up so.

Unlike Jimenez, his mannerisms gave off a much more relaxed, thoughtful vibe. His hands remained folded behind his back as he strolled down the hallway, gaze flitting here and there. His expression never seemed to change, always retaining the same blank, deep in thought frown. She continued to stare, until she found that he was staring right back.

Immediately she bowed her hand and hugged her knees, fear rearing its ugly head and making her fragile heart pound. Locking eyes with someone never earned her anything good. Last time she'd met eyes with another patient, she'd received a large bruise on her cheek.

She closed her eyes shut and prayed that he wouldn't punish her, her frame quivering with fear. She could hear his shoes colliding with the ground with each nearing step..

But a blow never was received.

Summoning all of her courage, she perked up to see the man standing right before her. His eyes met her's once again, piercing silver in color and devoid of any emotion. She stared for a moment more before finally peeping out a greeting.


He was silent. She thought she'd seen him lift a bandage covered brow slightly.


His voice was deep and raspy, but strangely gentle at the same time. The excitement of receiving a response brought a bright grin to the girl's sunken features. She shifted slightly, allowing her frame to relax and her legs to dangle off the couch once again.

"What's your name?"

He always paused before answering. His eyes seemed to search all over her constantly. "Ruben," he answered, absent minded.

"That's a nice name," she smiled sweetly and kicked her legs eagerly. It had been so long since she'd had a conversation with someone besides Leslie, who usually just repeated bits and pieces of her sentences. "Mine's Sophie, but I guess you already know that." She added with a soft giggle.

He nodded faintly. Dr. Jimenez's voice called from across the room exasperatedly. "Ruben!"

The bandage clad man didn't budge, only glance in his direction briefly. "Coming."

Sophie frowned slightly. Her new friend was already leaving and they'd just met! Just as he turned to leave she grabbed at his shirt to regain his attention. "Wait!"

He turned to face her, his expression lifting into one of mild surprise. She shuffled timidly under his gaze and whispered, "I'll see you later, um.. Ruben.." A quick grin followed after her shy farewell.

He didn't return the smile, but did reply. "Alright, Sophie."

With that he strolled back to a disgruntled Jimenez, who proceeded to fuss over his lack of focus and concentration.

Sophie, meanwhile, was beside herself with joy. A new friend! She beamed and kicked her legs against the couch, her red curls bouncing against eve shoulders with every move. For once in a long time, she truly felt happy. That is, until she heard a voice call from behind.

"Sophie Liaz, it's time for your treatment."

//Hello there lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to click on that little star and/or comment if you did. It means a lot more than you'd think! ;)

Hope you have a splendid day and see you in chapter 3! :3\\

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