Room 36

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"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going n o w h e r e."

"..And by signing these papers, you agree to provide her with safety, love, nourishment, and shelter, Mr. Jimenez?"

An exasperated sigh escaped the man, "yes, yes of course. Haven't I already stated that?"

"Yes, but you have to understand. We-"

"-have to make sure she's safe. I know that." He snapped, signing his signature hastily on the document.

The caretaker huffed in dismay. Sophie didn't deserve a father like this. He didn't seem to care, much less love the girl. Unfortunately, he fit all the legal requirements and, despite his crabby nature, the child was now under his care.

She placed a slender finger on the intercom button and spoke gently. "Sophie Liaz please come to the office. Sophie Liaz."

Moments passed and a little girl, no more than seven came scuffling through the open door. A dilapidated teddy bear was clutched against her chest, hiding her lower face and only exposing her timid blue eyes. Her maroon hair fell in bouncy curls around her shoulders, complimenting her sky blue blouse nicely.

The caretaker knelt down to her level and gave her a hug. "Honey, Mr- er, Dr. Jimenez is going to adopt you."

Sophie's eyes lit up with jubilance. Adopted? Her? A grin no doubt formed, but it was remained sheltered by her fuzzy brown bear. She nodded in understanding and cast a glance at the tall man.

He was a little scary to her. His cold stare and expressionless features didn't help with the case. She didn't let her fear show. She was ever grateful for her new adoptive father, and no one should be fearful of their own father right?

She shuffled towards him and lowered her teddy, revealing a beaming smile underneath.

"Hello, daddy,"

The man was clearly disapproval of this title. Nevertheless he forced a smile and patted her on the head as if she were an oblivious puppy.

"Now now, dear. For now you will call me Dr. Jimenez. Understood?"

She feebly nodded, confusion swirling in her eyes.

The caretaker frowned and sighed through her nose, but kept her frustration to herself. Dr. Jimenez then led his adoptive daughter out the door, leaving her to worry about the child's happiness.

Sophie was silent most of the car ride, her interest lingering on the passing scenery of the city. "Where are we going da-.. Dr. Jimenez?"

"Home," he bluntly replied, a stern expression on his features. His mind was clearly on something other than the girl.

Sophie was content with the answer and grinned softly, kicking her legs a bit with jittery excitement. What would their house be like? A mansion? A castle? Her imagination ran wild and she longed to ask him all her questions, but decided against it.

The passed through a metal gate. She spotted a sign shaped into the likeness of a lighthouse with rays of light spreading from each side of it.

The car slowed to a stop and she hopped out, her grin fading into a curious frown as she stared at the massive building. It didn't look like a house..

Jimenez strolled past and beckoned her to follow. She remained close behind, but scurried to catch up when her mind strayed away.

They entered a large lobby. It reminded her of a hospital. There were people there. Strange people.. They spoke to themselves and held their heads. Some yelled, but nothing seemed to be hurting them. Sophie was perplexed at their behavior.

"Who is that, Dr. Jimenez?" A passing woman clad in a nurse's uniform inquired, smiling sweetly at Sophie.

"Just another patient," he sighed.

A wave of sadness swept over the nurse's face, but was short lived. She quickly walked away to attend to more important matters.

Sophie followed after her father, eyes darting all over the place. There were doors. Doors everywhere along every wall. They all had numbers. They all had windows. At least, she thought they were windows.. Why did some have bars across them?

Finally the doctor came to a stop. Keys jingled as he unlocked one of the many doors. She peered up at the number. 36.

Opening it wide, she drew back in slight fear. It was pitch black inside. Fear crept into her heart and she stepped back cautiously.

She felt a hand press against her back, and she cast a panicked glance at Jimenez.

"W-What's this, doctor?"

"Your room."

Before she could react she was shoved inside.

//Hello there! Just wanted to give you a big thank you for reading this! Remember to leave a vote/comment if you enjoyed it! Also, if you're interested in more The Evil Within, check out my other fanfics, "Memory's Captive" and "Pins and Needles". Have a wonderful day and see you in the next chapter! :D\\

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