III. Deserved Help

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I made a new friend today! His name is Ruben. He's so nice. But kinda scary.. He always wears band aids. All over his face too! He never smiles, but he seems nice. I like him. :)

~ Sophie Liaz

Treatment. A word that impaled her heart with a stake of raw terror every time it was emitted.

She closed her eyes and gulped, surprising a whimper as she shakily rose to meet the nurse. She was pale skinned, dressed in a white and red dress-like doctor's tunic. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail, leaving a few strands to dangle at each side of her graceful cheeks. She was smiling, but it wasn't a warm, friendly smile. A smile of empathy and pity. Sophie didn't understand this. Why should she be pitied? She deserves this.

As she turned to leave after the nurse, she spotted Ruben out of the corner of her vision. Silver eyes bore into her. He was watching her. Jimenez was rambling about something, under the impression that he was listening. But Ruben didn't seem interested at all in the doctor's hysterical ranting, only in the child heading for her daily treatment.

She took one final glance at the strange man before she felt a cold, gentle touch to her back. The nurse ushered her forward, her heels clicking behind her softly. Sophie winced at the sounds coming from the rooms where most treatments were held. Drilling. Slicing. Splattering.


She'd almost become numb to most of the sounds, but the horrid wailing would always send chills down her spine. Those poor people.. They were in so much pain. Pain that no one should endure.. Except for her.

The nurse pushed the door open and she waddled inside, hesitantly sitting down in a chair that lie in the middle of the room. Opened iron bands sat on the arms and legs of it, a large one located hear the neck area of the back. A headset of sorts hovered over the rickety seat, used for God-knows-what sort of experiments on patients' brains. She peered up at the precarious looking object, praying that such an instrument wouldn't be used on herself.

The nurse busied herself with countless tools, medicines, and needles set out on a counter. As she filled a large syringe with a strange green liquid, she spoke in a calm, gentle tone,

"How are we today, Sophie?"

She hesitated, kicking her legs off the edge of the chair as she always did when nervous. "G-Good.."

She saw the nurse smile emptily. "Good." She droned, thumping the syringe with her fingers to make any bubbles rise to the top, then filling the empty space with more green stuff. She continued this until nothing but the liquid was inside the syringe.. A large needle was set on the end of the medical instrument, startling Sophie.

"Now, this won't hurt a bit. Just a little pinch." She purred, pressing a button on the counter and setting the straps in the chair into motion. They clasped around Sophie's skinny wrists and ankles, immediately immobilizing her. A whimper slipped past her lips. The doctor only smiled, approaching her gently with the needle in hand.

She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst.

Ruben looked about in a daze and sighed heavily through his nose as Jimenez rambled on. Different theories, patients, conditions. Things he already knew. As much as he tried to defy it, Ruben was actually more knowledgable than he. But, being the older person, he pressed on attempting to treat Ruben as a young pupil. Something that he'd long grown out of.

"Ruben, are you listening?"

His daydreams fled at the sudden interruption. He tried to hide a scowl as he turned his attention back to the doctor.

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