Why Would She Care?

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Important Note*: This chapter is set a week or so before the events of the last part...

His injuries, along with Donatello's insistence that he remain on complete bed rest left Raphael Hamato a lot of time to think things over. Casey had filled him in on the night's events following his incapacitation and Leo had barely spoken a word to the red-masked turtle since he woke up. In a way that was a good thing because when Raphael had found out about the way Leo threatened Mona...well let's just say that if the eldest turtle had been at home his younger brother would have personally mopped the floor with him, injuries or no injuries. He growled at the ceiling in frustration.

The emerald green turtle had not been surprised to learn that Mona was using him, after all that was what had suspected all along. However, he couldn't help but feel a little bit...disappointed that she hadn't felt anything more. Or did she?

That was the one thing about that night that bothered Raphael Hamato to no end. If Mona Lisa was using him, why would she have saved his life? She could have left him in that laboratory and let the Krang finish him off, heck she could have finished him off herself and no one would have known the difference, but she did neither of these things.

Instead Mona Lisa called his brother, from his T-phone no less, told him their location and fought off the Krang until they got there. But why would she do that? Why would she bother doing all that if she didn't care what happened to him? She wouldn't. His mind supplied. So that means that she does care.

Despite everything that had passed between them the setup, the flirting, the insults, the threats, she still cared enough to save his life. The first time she saved him it could have been a trick, it could have been a trap to lure him in and gain his trust, but this time? No, this time it suggests emotional attachment. Mona Lisa had allowed her feelings for him to get in the way of her plan.

But that couldn't be right, could it? They were just freaks, why would she be interested in him? After all, who could love a walking talking mutant turtle? Why would she care?

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