chapter three ! last name basis

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"Wow Y/N I have to say i'm very impressed that had to be your fifth strike in a row." Lauren said taking off her face mask.

"Well Jauregui it helps to have an amazing catcher."

"Are we on a last name basis now YL/N." The green eyed girl gave Y/N a smirk and walked towards her.

"Get used to it Jauregui that's all you're getting from me." Y/N stuck her tongue out at the other girl and took some steps back from the older girl, Y/N hadn't gotten to see how fast Lauren was and she was about to test that out. Running to first base she stepped on the base and waved Lauren over.

"Okay so since you have a problem with me calling you by your last name i'll make a deal with you."

Raising an eyebrow Lauren shrugged. "Okay tell me."

"We're going to run from first base to home and if you make it home before me I won't call you by your last name for the rest of the year."

Lauren turned and gave the girl a smirk. "I like the way my last name sounds coming from your mouth though."

And boom, there it was. Y/N and Lauren had been subtly flirting throughout the 45 minutes they had known each other, think what you want but when a very attractive person flirts with you you're going to flirt back.

"Well Jauregui you better win so you can keep that privilege."

Biting her lip Lauren nodded. "Okay fine, but if I win you also have to do something else for me."

"Deal." Shaking hands the two girls got into starting positions.


Taking off Y/N wasn't prepared for how fast Lauren actually was, with Lauren having a small lead in front of her Y/N picked up her pace a bit more. There was no way she was going to do whatever Laurens "something else" was. Rounding third Y/Ns clumsiness came into play, tripping over the base she closed her eyes in preparation for hitting ground, but it never happened. Instead the smell of vanilla hit her senses. Opening her eyes, she was met with Lauren's green ones and she ducked her head blushing at their close proximity.

"You know my something else was only going to be me -"

"HEY Y/N ARE WE INTERRUPTING SOMETHING." startled by the voices Lauren immediately let go of Y/N. Turning to face her four friends Y/N gave each of them except Dinah a smile.

"Goodmorning Cabello." Y/N grinned at the brunette and walked over to give her a hug like she does every morning.

Letting go of Camila, Y/N turned to face Normani and Dinah.

"You two, we need to talk before practice."

Normani and Dinah gave each other knowing smiles as Y/N turned to Camila.

"I would walk you to cheer but Lauren's here and I kind of need to get her acquainted with the rest of the team." Hearing those words something flashed in Camila's eyes, Y/N swore it seemed like jealousy but Camila didn't  like her did she? So why was she jealous? 

"Woah you're giving up your five minutes with Camila up for the new girl? Someone's whipped already." Laurens eyes widened at the claim and she looked down at the floor with pink cheeks.

"Hansen shut up before I make you run laps." Turning back to Camila Y/N gave her a small smile. "Unless you want me to walk you, it's up to you."

Taking a look at Y/N and the new girls pink cheeks, Camila made her decision. Y/N was only supposed to blush because of her.

"Yeah, you walking me would be nice."

Y/N nodded. "Okay, Cool."

Turning to face Dinah, Normani and Ally she gave them each a look. "Guys that's Lauren please don't eat her alive while I'm walking Camila."

"Lauren if they bother you just scream my name and I'll come running."

"Please don't fall if I do scream for you." Lauren smirked at Y/N causing the other four girls to look at Y/N with questioning looks.

"Jauregui shut up." Lauren laughed loudly, rolling her eyes at Lauren Y/N grabbed Camila's hand and nodded towards the soccer field where the girl had cheer practice.

"Lead the way Mila."
Well Jealous Camila is coming out to play.

Sorry this was short but I had to split this chapter and the next one! The next chapter should be out tomorrow unless I get enough motivation to do it now.  Thanks for reading cuties!

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