chapter 14 ! jealous and vulnerable

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Lauren stood at the entrance of the bathroom with her bottom lip jutting out of the scene before her, Y/N with Camila in her arms smiling so wide Lauren honestly thought her face would rip. Lauren bit her lip and turned away from the couple but not before hearing a small giggle and a "Y/N stop." from Camila. Lauren wanted to cry but she knew it was her fault. She had slowly gained a huge crush on the amazing girl knowing she was in love with Camila. Y/N was always going to pick Camila. So Lauren did exactly what her mind told her to do. Deny and ignore. Walking into the lunch room her gaze fell on the five girls sat at the lunch room. It was ironic really. The one who had hurt Y/N the most was the one who was going to get the most of her love. Lauren snorted to herself and walked over to the table ignoring both Y/N and the brunette who was sat in her lap. Looking at the three other girls who knew about her crush she watched as their eyes traveled from the couple to Lauren. Lauren averted her eyes and looked at the table.

"Hey Jauregui you okay?" Lauren wanted to laugh no she wasn't okay. But she settled for the common answer.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look kind of sad." Y/N commented with a concerned tone in her voice.

"I'm fucking fine Y/N." Lauren snapped and buried her face in her arms. She needed a distraction and fast. Picking up her phone she texted Zayn, she had met him in her advanced art class and he had accidentally disclosed that he was the school's drug dealer when he came in one class high as a kite and offered to sell Lauren weed after school.

L: zayn
Z: what's up love?
L: I need a distraction aka I'm taking up your offer from the first day we met
Z: about the ...
L: yes about the weed you fucking idiot.
Z: well that was harsh, meet me by the second floor bathroom like right now
L: you have it on you?
Z: babe I'm the only D.D in this school of course I do

Lauren smiled and locked her phone. "I'm skipping the last two periods, since it's study hall anyways." she told the five girls sitting around her before getting up and walking out of the lunch room catching Ally's concerned expression she bent down and kissed the short girl on her cheek. "I'll text you later girly no need to worry about me." She whispered. Ally nodded and Lauren walked out and towards the stairs.

Walking up towards the bathroom she saw no Zayn. Looking around she suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist and she shrieked. She relaxed after hearing the sound of Zayn's laughter in her ear. Turning around and smacking the boy in his chest she raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're an asshole Malik."

Zayn shot Lauren a wink. "You know it already Jauregui."

Lauren looked the boy up and down. He looked good today. He looked good everyday honestly.

"Checking me out Jauregui." The raven haired boy mocked.

"Oh shut the fuck up Malik you know you look good." Lauren smirked at the boy. "But let me not make your head any bigger."

"Oh please Jauregui." The boy rolled his eyes and reached in his pocket and pulled out the drug. "It's on the house Love, just tell me why you need it so urgently." He said watching as Lauren put her wallet back in the purse she was carrying.

Lauren looked at the tattooed boy in front of her. "Heartbreak." She watched as he nodded.

"In that case I'm going through some heartbreak of my own, let's go back to mine and get high as shit yeah?" Zayn spoke with such a boyish charm in his voice that Lauren couldn't say no. Nodding at his request the green eyed girl followed him through the back way of the school. Leaving the school Lauren nodded at herself. She wouldn't let Y/N hurt her like Keana did.


"It just fucking sucks you know." Lauren ran her hand through her hair and leaned back against Zayn's headboard. "I fell in love with a girl who ended up cheating on me and now this girl completely flipped my world in three weeks. I always end up having bad luck with relationships."

Zayn nodded and nibbled on his fifth slice of pizza thoughtfully. "Love is weird. You fall in it knowing you either come out of it broken or exceptionally happy. The first happening 90% of the time." Lauren nodded at his words and took another pull of the blunt they had been passing back and forth.

Zayn watched with interest as the green eyed girl puffed the smoke out. She hadn't wanted to smell like weed when she went home so Zayn has given her some of his clothes, that being an oversized shirt and some of his sweats. She looked amazing and Zayn wanted to know more about the mysterious girl. From what Zayn has gathered, she had horrible experiences with love. Her parents divorced, her last two girlfriends cheated and now Y/N was in love with another. The bad experiences had caused her to become closed off and Zayn was determined to know more about her. Watching with a smirk as Lauren trailed her eyes down his shirtless body and stopped where his V-Line entered his pants and bit her lip padding over to the green eyed girl Zayn leaned down, dangerously close to her lips.

"Zayn." Lauren started but was cut off by the older boys lips against her own. The boys chapped lips felt weird. She hadn't decided if it was a good weird yet. His cologne engulfed her as he gently laid her down.

"Is this okay Laur, I don't want to pressure you into anything." Zayn stopped even though Lauren had kissed back he wanted to make sure.

He growled at the girls next words. "Zayn I want you. I need a fucking distraction. So stop playing and fuck me."

She was vulnerable and Zayn was there, might as well take advantage of it right?


"Camila chill." Y/N giggled as the small girl koala hugged her from behind.

"Y/N chill." Camila mocked from where she was on Y/N's back. Burying her face in Y/N's hoodie she smiled. It smelled really Y/N-y and it was nice. Letting go of Y/N she fell back on her bed and sighed.

Y/N smiled at the girl. "You're cute Cabello."

"I'm fucking hot Y/N." Camila laughed flipping her hair dramatically.

Y/N smirked at the girl "You can be both you know, you're hot as fuck sometimes."

"The great Y/N thinks I'm hot." Camila giggled. Leaning in to peck Camila she was stopped by her phone vibrating in her back pocket. Taking her phone out she saw Lauren's name flash on the screen. Answering the call she put it on her ear.


"oh fuck Zayn right there."

Y/N quickly hung up the phone and put it down with a surprised look on her face and a burning feeling in her chest. She felt this exact way when she saw Camila with Justin. It was jealousy. But Y/N was confused. Why was she jealous?
A/N- ****** is endgame :)

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