chapter 21 ! chill

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mils💝: spiderman is much better though
lo💚: no way 😒 have you seem thor??
mils💝: S P I D E R M A N
lo💚: T H O R

Y/N laid on her bed attempting to watch a movie with Normani but was laughing to herself at the argument Camila and Lauren were having in their group chat.

mils💝: at least spiderman was important enough to have his own movie 😴

Snorting Y/N locked her phone and looked over at  Normani who was smiling at her own phone, seeing a perfect opportunity to tease her best friend Y/N smirked.

"Who ya texting Mani?"

Locking her phone quickly Normani looked over at the girl. "Does it matter, You're going to read them anyway."

Y/N nodded. "Very true. So are you going to let me read them or am I going to have to go to plan B."

"Is plan B what I think it is." Normani looked at her with wide eyes.

"Tickle you until you let me? Yes." Y/N shrugged.

Normani fake gasped and looked at Y/N in mock horror. "Oh please don't tickle me."

Both Normani and Y/N's phones dinged at the same time causing the two to look at each other.

"I'll give you mine if you give me yours." Normani spoke. Nodding slowly Y/N grabbed her phone and looked at Normani with a raised eyebrows.

"What's off limits?" Normani questioned.

"Nothing except the folder in my pictures labeled private." Y/N shrugged.

"Why is it off limits?" The girl said as she raised her eyebrows.

"I don't think you'll enjoy seeing semi nudes unless they're Dinah's." Y/N spoke with a teasing voice as she switched phones with Normani.

Typing in Normani's password Y/N smiled at Normani's homescreen which was a picture of what looked like an off guard of the two, Dinah was hugging Normani with a small smile on her face and Normani had her face buried in Dinah's chest. Clicking on her messages app and clicking on Dinah's name (who was labeled under babygirl making her smirk) Y/N was about to start reading when she heard a small gasp from Normani. Looking up at her best friend Y/N looked at her with a confused expression.

"You would think Lauren would be the kinky one, Camila looks so innocent." Normani muttered still scrolling through the text messages. Y/N giggled and went back to reading the messages.


"So how did you ask Mani out?" Camila asked Dinah with a grin on her face.

Dinah smiled and hid her face as she blushed. "It was cheesy."

"Tell me Hansen."

"I got her a bear from build-a-bear and did the thing where you record something for the bear to say and when she squeezed it, it asked her to be my girlfriend." Dinah explained with a smile on her face.

"China that's adorable what the hell." Camila smiled at her best friend. She really liked Normani. It was cute to see her so happy.

"How're things going with Lo and Y/N/N."

Camila grinned. "It's really good, They're amazing."

"Did you get laid yet?"


A/N- HI. This story may be ending in a couple chapters because I really don't think there's a way to continue it unless you guys want angst and to only end up with one of them. Anyways I hope you enjoyed cuties :). ALSO 12K READS YES.

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