chapter four ! she's cool

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"So you and the new girl seemed close." Camila trailed off looking down at their intertwined hands.

"She's cool and really pretty but you know I have my eyes on someone already Cabello." Y/N gave Camila a small smirk and squeezed her hand. Playing along Camila smiled.

"Oh yeah? Who's this girl that you have your eyes on?"

"I don't know her name, but she's really beautiful." bumping Camila's shoulder with her own Y/N continued. "I don't know though, all her friends say she a bit of a bitch sometimes." Fake gasping Camila stuck her tongue out at Y/N.

"So mature Cabello."

"Always have to stay profesional Y/N, it's the number one rule in life."

"I always thought the number one rule in life was 'fuck bitches get money'."

"Well you have to be professional to get the supposed bitches you speak of."

"Good to know."

The two girls stood in silence for a while.

"You know Cabello, you confuse me."

Furrowing her eyebrows at the girl Camila looked at her in question "How?"

"Well for starters you basically pulled me away from Lauren and we just shamelessly flirted right now, there's no denying that but I know for sure that if I ask you out today you'll say no."

Frowning a bit Camila looked down at the ground.  " Y/N -"

"Aye Cabello coach needs you to help her with something." Y/N looked up and groaned internally. What is up with her getting interrupted today.

"Well Cabello here's your stop." Y/N gave Camila a small smile and stuck her hands inside of her pockets. "Hey Selena." she said acknowledging the girl standing in front of them. "See you later Camila." Turning around she walked off leaving Camila with a frown on her face and a thousand thoughts running through her mind.


Walking back into the field she spotted her three best friends and a blushing Lauren. Oh no. Spotting Y/N, Lauren immediately gave her a pleading look. Smiling to herself Y/N decided to be nice and help Lauren.

"Hansen, Kordei and Hernandez take the rest of the team and stretch them out so I can practice with Lauren, and we have to start practice so I'll talk with you after."

"You would think being best friends with the captain of the team means you would do less work." Dinah scoffed rounding up the rest of the team and leading them into the outfield.

Watching the 3 girls begin the stretches Y/N jogged over Lauren and gave her a weak smile. "You stretched already so you can chill until the rest of them are done."

Nodding at Y/N an awkward silence ensued between the two girls. Neither of them liked it but Lauren was confused on how Y/Ns mood went from 100 to 0 and Y/N had ten thousand thoughts running around her head. Lauren couldn't take it, running her hand through her hair she broke the silence.

"So captain huh?"

Y/N gave her a genuine smile. "It's not official or anything but everyone call me coach's daughter, so the leadership role just fell into place."

"So I'm getting the vibe that you and coach are close." Lauren laughed as she realized how that could be taken. "That was meant to be taken an innocent way Y/N no dirty thoughts."

Y/N smiled, Lauren was cute. "I know you ass, but yeah he's like my father figure since  my dad isn't in my life." 

Not wanting to pry on the subject Lauren nodded. "So like do you think you could show me around school today, since I'm new and all that."

"Yeah definitely I got you babes."

"Babes? Cute."

"That slipped out, shut up Jauregui."

"Are we on a last name basis again YL/N?"


Forty Five minutes later practice was over and multiple sweaty girls piled into the locker room where the cheerleaders were already.

Pulling off her sweaty t-shirt Y/N heard the playful cheers of her teammates and some of the cheerleaders.

"Looking good Y/N."

"Taylor shut up you know that's all Camila."

Looking up Y/N laughed. "Fuck you guys, this right here is all single." Taking a glance at Camila she saw the forced smile on her face and the smile dropped. Dinah looked between the two and frowned.

"What about Jauregui though." Normani said just loud enough for the two girls who were standing on either side of her to hear. Lauren looked at Y/N and blushed. There was no doubt that Y/N was attractive but it seemed like she and Camila had something.

"Hey guys." Y/N caught everyone's attention. "I forgot to introduce her earlier but this is Lauren Jauregui and she's going to be joining our team as catcher."

A chorus of greetings came Laurens way and she waved back at the smiling faces in front of her, This was a good start to her day

A/N - sorry about not updating earlier first my wifi shut off and then my laptop crashed,  some higher heaven didn't want this chapter published. But Camila's getting jealous and Lauren has a little crush on you. (Camila or Lauren endgame? I have a plan for both but what do you guys want to see?) Thanks for reading cuties :) 

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