Chapter 2

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I DIDN'T EVEN WANT to look up, but my eyes forced me too. He had a lip ring, his ears pierced, and a lot of tattoos on his right arm. He said, "I'm not the best teacher, so." I looked at his book and said quietly "I think I know this stuff." I kept my head down, I didn't want to meet his eyes. He just sat fell back into his seat and watched me do all the work. I caught him staring at me and he asked, "I've never seen you before, are you new?" I nodded and replied, "I'm from Maine."


The rest of the day went pretty fast. I walked to my locker and I heard a song come over the loud speaker. It was "King For A Day", by Pierce the Veil. I listened to it a couple of times. Then I started to hear yelling, I guess that kid got caught. I just laughed and opened up my locker. I would be fine here.

I closed my locker and there were boys gathered around me. One of them said, "Aren't you a cutie..." I saw it was the guy from second period. I smiled and said, "I have to go." I pushed through them, but one of them grabbed my arm. They said, "Take off your shirt." I glared at them and said, "Get off of me!" They started to tug on my shirt, pulling it up. They pinned me up against the locker, throwing my books out of my hands. One of them said, "I got her pants!" I screamed, but I knew no one would hear me. My locker is in the basement part of the school. I said "Someone help!" They managed to get my shirt off until someone came down and slammed the one with my shirt up against the locker. I fell to the ground, my pants unbuckled and my shirt off. I didn't want to look up who was saving me, I closed my eyes and started to cry.

Then I didn't hear anything more. I looked up and I never saw anything sexier. He bent down and looked into my eyes. He said, "Here is your shirt." I looked at him and grabbed my shirt, feeling my face become hot. I put it on and he asked, "Do you need a ride home?" I nodded and said, "The buses probably left by now." He nodded and said, "Follow me." I picked up my books and followed him.

His vehicle was a black truck, which was two seater. I opened the door and jumped in. He said, "My name is Vincent." I answered back, "Mine is Spencer. I couldn't thank you enough, for saving me." He smiled and said "Your welcome. Where do you live?" Why did he want to know that? We just me.... Oh, wait he's driving me to my house. "I live on Bourbon St." He nodded and said "I live right across from that Street and you just go down a back road. So that's good." I smiled and I heard a song come on the radio. It was "Lost it All", by Black Veil Brides. I went to turn it up, and so did Vincent. He laughed and said "You like this song? I never really thought of you as that kind of type." I said, "What type did you think I was?" He smiled and said "Nevermind." I was just going to leave it at that.

We got up to the house and he said "Holy shit! This house is really big." I nodded and opened the door. I got my books and said, "Thanks for the ride Vince." I saw him get red in the face. Did he blush because I said Vince?" He said back, "Your welcome, if you need a ride tomorrow Spence, then I can." I started to blush.

No, I am the only one that can give nicknames here.

Wow, I am selfish.

"Yea, I do need a ride. If you wouldn't mind." He nodded and was on his way. Hey! I made 2 friends in 1 day!

I walked to the house and Becky said "Where the hell were you!? You were supposed to make supper, I had to make the maid do it! And who gave you a ride home?" I said "My friend, I got.. It doesn't even matter. I made it home, didn't I? I am going to my room." I stomped up the stairs and slammed the door. She wouldn't care if I told her what happened today. I just wanted to talk to Vince tomorrow.

I sat in bed blushing to myself, I get impressed so easily. I like it.


I hope you enjoy this chapter! :p

So they might become somethingggg. You know what I mean..... :D

~Kenzie :)

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