Chapter 2

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Carlos's P.O.V.

"CARLOS! Come on man." Said Jay snapping me out of my daydream about that girl. I run up and follow Jay. We walk inside and apparently we are going to find our dorms, when we do I tell Jay that I am going for a walk to get some fresh air, but I am actually going to find that girl.

I walk and look around then finally spot her, she is running across the field in a school cheerleader uniform, her caramel hair flowing behind her. When she gets to the group of other cheerleaders I see that girl that was next to Ben when we first got there started to yell at her, they all laughed, then she started backing up and then she fell down, they all laughed more and continue to insult her. She just laid there taking it, then when they finally walked away, she stood up and walked to where she was behind them then they started practicing cheers.

Then they start doing those things where they throw up one person and catch her, and so the beautiful girl with caramel hair is the one going up, they throw her up, she spins then they all move out of the way so that she hits the ground instead of catching her. They all start to laugh, then walk away just leaving her on the ground. Maybe they are the evil ones not us. Once they are gone I stand up from the spot I was sitting and run over to her to make sure she's ok.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask her.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine." She says, then she jumps up and runs off.

"But wait! I didn't even catch...your name." I said but she was already gone.

"Hey Carlos." I heard someone say and when I turn around to see who said it I see Ben.

"Oh, hi Ben." I say hesitantly.

"Don't take it too personally."

"Is she scared of me?" I ask.

"No not you, she is just really shy. I have been in her class since we started school and She didn't actually talk to me until last year."

"Oh ok, well what's her name?" I ask.

"Adira, Princess Adira."

"That's beautiful."

"Well if you want to talk to her, she goes to the lake and and draws everyday after practice, just don't try to come on too strong, be optimistic."

"Thanks." I say walking towards the lake Ben was talking about. I walk through the path in the woods until I find it, I walk until I find a big weeping willow tree with a bench under it, and there she is. I slowly walk over to the tree and separate the leaves, she gasps and hides her face then I say, "uh, hi I'm-I'm Carlos."

"Hi." She squeaks out.

"I saw you fall and just wanted to make sure your ok." I said walking closer to her and siting down next to her.

When I sit down she stands up and mutters "thanks."

Wow she was even more beautiful close up. "Umm, so who are your parents?"

"Uh no one special." She says.

A few minutes pass of silence then she says, "umm, I don't want to be rude but why do you want to talk to me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"It's just no one talks to me unless it's to make fun of me, so if your going to just do it."

"No no no, I didn't want to make fun of you." I said.

She looked fully at me showing her whole face and said,

"Then why?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, I'm new here and I don't have many friends and I thought you looked nice so I thought maybe we could be friends."

"Yeah, that sounds nice, so...who are your parents?"

"No one special." I say repeating what she said earlier, which made her smile, wow her smile.

*ruff* *ruff*

We both look to the left then I see a dog run towards us.

"Ahhh!" I yell as I run behind Adira. The dog jumps up on her and she starts to pet it.

"What are you doing?!"

"What do you mean?"

"That is a rabid vicious pack animal."

"Who told you that?"

"My mother." I said.

"Have you never met a dog?"

"No. But he doesn't look like a rabid vicious pack animal." I say as she holds out the puppy to me to pet.

"His name is Fidget."

"What kind of dog is he?"

"A Dalmatian." As soon as she says that I smile and laugh, wow ironic.

"What?" She asks me.


She smiles then hands Fidget over to me so that I can hold him.

We talk for a long time, then we see the sun starting to go down and then she says,

"We should get back to our dorms before curfew. We don't want to get in trouble."

"I don't know, being bad can be" I say smirking at her, she blushes and smiles back.

"It may be fun for you but I just like to stay out of attention. But let's hang out tomorrow."

"Ok. See you tomorrow." I say waving as we walk in separate directions.

Wow, everything about her is perfect, she is beautiful, sweet, smart, good with animals, and what are you thinking Carlos?! Once we take over Auradon I won't have time for a girlfriend, so I better not get too attached, because after tonight I won't ever see her again, after we get the wand I won't ever see her again, I won't ever see her again, but I want to see her, I have only known her for a day yet, she completely has my heart all to herself.

Before I know it I am back at my dorm, I open the door and see Jay, Mal, and Evie planing for tonight.

"Where have you been Carlos?" Asked Mal angrily.

"Umm, I just went for a walk."

"For hours?" Asked Jay.

"It's not important, what is important is that we get the wand."

"Ok, Evie do your thing." Said Mal.

"Mirror, Mirror in my...hand, where does fairy godmothers wand...stand?"

"Zoom out." I say.

"Not so close mirror." Said Evie, then the mirror zoomed out too far so she said, "Closer, closer, closer."

"There! Do we know where that is?" Asked Mal as we saw that the wand was in a museum.

I typed in the name of the museum on the laptop and it gave us directions, "it's 2.6 miles away from here." I said then we all got up and left for it.

An Evil Love Story (A Carlos De Vil/Disney Descendants fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now