Chapter Six

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I try and get Josh out of my head but it's not working. He's in my head. He's every where I turn. Well in my mind. But the only place he isn't at is my bed. Instead it's Emma's. Probably forever. But I told him that when he leaves her and comes back to me I'm going to stand my ground. Hopefully but I clearly doubt it.


5 months later

"Carrie!" Connor yelled from the downstairs.

"What?" I yelled back.

"We're going to be late! My sister's wedding starts in an hour!"

"Alright, alright I'm coming." I say run down the stairs still putting my earing in.

"You look beautiful Carrie." Connor said pulling my into his arms and softly kissing my lips. I couldn't help but blush a little.

"You wanted to go so let's go." I said pushing him out of the door. He tripped over the staris leading from the house. I laughed a little. Okay I laughed a lot.

"Stop laughing." He sternly said brushing himslef off. "Let's go." I ran over to his truck. It was huge. I couldn't get up. It was a pretty red. The kind of truck I've always wanted. I heard Connor sigh a little before coming over to help me up.

"You need to grown a little." He said helping me up.

"I'm 23 I think I'm done growing. If I grown any more I'd be shrinking not growing." He chuckled at little. I looked over at him. His blonde hair spiked up a little. His blue eyes glowing. They looked like they were sparkling agaist the sun. He noticed me looking at him and he leaned over to kiss my cheek. We ment at my friend Jaden's wedding. I swear we clicked. I told him all about what happend with Josh and I. He called him a bastard and said that he'd never do that to me. This is why I love him so mcuh. I think I love him more than I did with Josh. I'm finally over Josh and it feels good to. I can finally breath more then I could before. I'm not scared when Connor goes out like I did when Josh went out. I just can't believe that I don't have to share Connor with anybody and you know what. It feels pretty good without all of that weight on you shoulder. He makes me happy and I never want this blissful love to end. Ever.

"We're here." Connor said taking me out of my daydreaming. He got out to help me out.

"You look really beautiful Carrie. I mean it." He said leaning his head closer into mine. We heard and squeal come from behind.

"Uncle Connor!" I small little girl said coming from behind.

"Kamron! Oh I missed you." Connor said picking up the little girl and squeazing her tightly.

"Put my down Uncle Connor you're hurting me." He squrimed.

"Oh sorry."

"Who's that?" Kamron aske pointing at me. She was very cute. Looked about 4 or 5.

"That's my girlfriend." Her face got bright.

"Hi." She came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back. "Are you going to me my new aunt?" She asked. I looked at Connor with wide eyes. He laughed a little. Then stopped.

"Um, Kamron why don't you go inside and go talk to your mommy okay."

"Okay. Bye new aunty!" She yelled running inside.

"New aunt huh?" I say. He puts his arm around my waist. And we head inside.

"Carrie? Is that you?" I hear a all too fimilair voice coming from behind. I turn around to see who it is. My heart jumps clear up to my throat.

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