Chapter 28

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**This chapter is dedicated to @jaunice13 for being awesome and being one of the people who comment on the story. It means a lot!! Enjoy :D**

Chapter Twenty Eight

Jacob's attention zeroed in on Beef. "What do you mean we have a problem? What's going on?"

Beef looked nervous. "Apparently, her mate is on his way here."

"What!" Jacob roared. "How in the world did he find our trail? This is supposed to be one of the best hideouts in the area!"

Beef looked nervous. "Mike didn't tell us that some of the pack members use to hang out here when they were little. I'm assuming they know this back trail like the back of their heads. He said he spotted them coming up the trail."

Jacob's eyes turned pitch black. He was shaking and I could see the fine lines of hair sprouting from his arms. "I should kill you all!" He hollered.

Beef flinched and tried to divert the attention away from the big mistake he was apparently apart of. He looked around the room while Jacob was watching him clearly still angry. His eyes landed on me and his eyes lit up as if he had a sudden epiphany. "What do we do about the girl? If her mate is coming, we can't keep her here. She's basically in plain sight."

"I'm not worried about what we should do with her yet!" He snapped. "We need backup. I wasn't expecting the guy to be smart enough to figure everything out. How did he even know that she was gone?"

I gulped audibly when he turned to me. "The mark." He whispered. "When he marked you and you started panicking when Angel attacked you, he felt it. I'm sure of it."

"Of course he felt it." I mumbled. I was glad that I'd followed Mirai's advice.

He glared at me and started stalking towards me. He started going through his pocket. He kept rummaging around and all of a sudden he produced a knife. My stomach dropped. He was going to kill me.

This was not the way I predicted myself dying. I didn't even have a chance to tell my family goodbye. A single tear drop streamed down the side of my cheek. I closed my eyes hoping that the death would be quick and as painless as possible.

I could hear Jacob shuffling closer and closer to where I was, still tied down to the chair. I felt him bend down and lift my arm up. I guess a quick death was out of the question. He wanted to torture me.

I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me nervous. See me squirm. I felt the knife being moved up and down, but it wasn't on my skin. I opened an eye, he was cutting the ropes.

"You're not going to kill me?" I was dumfounded.

Jacob paused mid-cut. He looked at me like I was stupid. I felt like I was after seeing his expression. He opened his mouth and then closed it, rethinking.

"Do you really think that I'm going to kill you after all I've been through to get you here?"

I blinked.

He just started laughing hysterically. I glared at him. I didn't find anything funny. I couldn't help it that I thought I was going to die.

"I don't see anything funny!" I snapped at him.

I could feel myself shaking. This was a good thing because whatever they had made me inhale was gradually starting to wear off. My wolf was getting stronger as time passed by. After a minute or two, Jacob finally calmed himself down enough to finish cutting the rest of my bounds off. I sighed from relief.

"I knew I made the right choice when I chose you to rule beside me. We'll do a great job together." He smiled at me.

He grabbed my hand and gently tugged me towards the direction of Beef as if he was afraid I'd break. He closed his knife and put it back in his pocket.

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