chapter 4

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Mac's suspensions grew time to time over the next few months about Vincent. Vincent always had a chilling look, and seemed like a creepy stalker, though he was very beautiful. Women came in most of the time just to see him, to talk to him, some even attempted touching him.
Vincent always had his eyes on Mac though. Vincent finished off his work day, as soon as he saw Mac finish. He only worked there when Mac was there, and if Mac wasn't, so he wouldn't bother going.

Mac went home early one day for some reason, but before Vincent could follow him, the boss stopped him.
He gave off a wide grin, "Vincent! How convenient to run into you, Mac had a personal matter just now, and you need to take his place, now come-"
"No, out of my way." He ordered, glaring at the other.
"Huh? I don't understand?"

"I said move." Vincent's gave off a death glare, and the other moved away immediately.
Vincent stormed past him hurriedly, to catch up the Mac.
It was busy out and so many people stunk with colon, sweat, or perfume. This just agitated Vincent more, he couldn't sniff out Mac.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Vincent~"
A voice hummed out in a cherry tone.
Without even bothering to turn to the person next to him he muttered, "go away, prim."
"Awe~ but Vincent I just got here~! Where's your little friend you follow around? I wanna see him!"
"Prim." He growled and turned to the other.

Prim was smaller than Vincent, and bright cat like eyes. Her hair was messy, and held two small pigtails. Her hair was white, with a few pink and blue streaks, and her skin was pale like Vincent's.
Prim was like a sister to Vincent, but Vincent didn't accept anyone as family, she was just a acquaintance to him, although they were close.
"I can't find him, shut up." He said.
Mac was rushing home fast, but not for a emergency.Mac thought if he left early, Vincent would not follow, little did he know he was wrong.
When Mac opened the door a blast of cold air hit him, and he huffed.
"He forgot to turn off the air conditioning again..." Mac mumbled to himself, shutting the door behind him.
He plopped down on the couch and sighed, "thank goodness I wasn't followed..."

"Awe~ he thought he was alone~" said a female voice. Mac's eyes widened and he hopped up. "Wh-who?!" He turned around rapidly, pulling out his phone. "I'm calling the police!"

"What? The police? Oh man~! They are such a pain, you know? They always get in the way of my fun, and they always shoot little metal things at me when I break their rules!"
Mac kept turning around, "show I
"Ooo~ you want to see me more than Vinny?"
"Turn around sweet cheeks!"
Mac swallowed hardly and slowly turned to see the girl.
She squealed with excitement, "I see it now! No wonder why Vincent has took a liking to you! you're so cute!"
Mac's gulped and stared at her terrified. Mostly at her eyes, they were so abnormal, and resembled a cats.
Wait a minute.
'Did she just say Vincent?'
He thought to himself, Is that stupid guy in here?!'
The girl leaned forward and pinched Mac's cheeks, "humans are so cute, too bad they are limited on living..." she caressed his cheeks, "I'm prim, by the way~" she hummed out softly. She stared directly at him, "you seem scared... Don't be though, I won't hurt you. " she began to lean forward, "I just want a little taste of you, that's all."

A person swept in and gripped onto Prim tightly. Mac gasped and jerked back from the two.
It was Vincent obviously, and he looked extremely angry. He was digging his nails into her skin, and she tried to jerk away.
"Let go Vincent! Stop!"
His eyes faded to a deep crimson, as he stared at her. He almost looked like he was going to kill her. "I told you not to touch him...!" He growled at her, his grip tightening.
Mac stared in horror at the two. He was paralyzed, and couldn't move.
'Mac please move' he told himself, 'mac do something, call the police, runaway, do anything if you want to live, damn it!'
He swallowed hardly and made a movement backward, 'run...!' He then managed to take off running, but that caught Vincent's attention and he released Prim.
When Mac got to the door, he tripped over the,welcome mat.
With one swift move, before he hit the ground, someone caught him and brought him inside.
Mac squirmed and yelled, "Let go! Let go!"
"Shh.." Vincent placed a finger over his lips. "I didn't mean to scare you..." Vincent said, running his fingers through his hair. "Poor you.... It's ok, I can take it all away..."
Mac was once again froze again, staring up at the other. "Let go-" he tried to say again, but Vincent but him off with pressing their lips together.

"Mm-!" Mac gripped onto him, to try to push him away, but Vincent didn't budge. Every time he tried to push away, Vincent held him closer.
Finally Mac managed to turn his head away, "stop...!" He muttered out, "I don't want this! No...!"
Vincent was kissing his jawline and neck now, ignoring what he was saying.
"I told you before, I could take you anytime I wanted, so stop complaining...." He whispered.
Mac's eyes began to fill with tears. "Please...!" He whimpered out.
Vincent placed a few more small kisses, and sat up. "Very well then..."

He caressed his cheek gently, "i'll make this all a dream to you, my little Mac.... Don't you worry.." he glanced at Prim, who was holding her arm painfully.
"Prim." Vincent muttered.
She sighed, " fine, distract him."
Mac began to panic, but Vincent had already grabbed his face, and was kissing him again.
Of course, Mac attempted to struggle, but of course failed. He heard some whispers from prim , but he couldn't make up what she was saying.

He began to feel very tired, and he began to stop struggling with Vincent, and he began to fall asleep slowly.
Vincent Pulled back and stood up, holding Mac. He brought him up to his room and layed him down.
He looked back at Prim, "don't ever touch him again." He told her angrily. Prim nodded her head nervously and began walking out, Vincent right behind her.
Prim frowned at Vincent, "No wonder you follow him around. He's so gentle like girl... Well some girls anyways..."
Prim kept looking up at Vincent for an answer, but got none.
"Gartheal won't approve of this Vincent, he might even kill him, or you if he-"
Vincent gripped her shoulders tightly, "then don't tell him!" He stared at her angrily.
"He can see through my lies Vincent I'm not as strong as big-time!"

"Prim, just- this why you shouldn't follow me!"
"Vinny I just want to spend time with you, I can't... I can't feel what you're feeling I just want to see!"

Vincent shoved her away, "you're going to get hurt if you don't leave, and I'm not going to save you this time."
Prim stood behind Vincent now, as his figure began to fade away, leaving her all alone.
"This isn't going to end well..."

i fell in love with a demon (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now