chapter two

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It almost felt like a horrible dream to Mac. No one would expect something to randomly sexually touch them in the middle of the woods. Yet it still happens unexpectedly, something known as rape.
Let's step back.
As the male with the grey hair to Mac, Mac of course struggled. "Stop...!" He yelled out, wiggling in the others grasp.
"But you almost seem to enjoy all this touching, don't you want more...?"
Mac almost stopped to think. Almost.
"No I do not...! Some one hel-"
Mac was interrupted by the warm, moist lips against his own. His eyes widen, and his expression went pale. Soon the kiss was over and the male leaned forward, his warm breath brushing against his skin. "I'll be back to get you, cutie... So don't be surprised when I catch you again."
Then it was like he just phased away, like a ghost.
Back to the present.
MAC held his head, and rubbed his temples as if his head hurt. He looked around the room and slowly stood. Picture hung around the room of him and his best friend... And few of his recent ex lover.
He sighed and opened the door of his room and the floor made small creaking sounds with each sound.
Arms wrapped around him ever so gently, "hey there~"
Mac nearly jumped, "leave me alone...!" He yelled and he was released.
"Hold up, I wasn't doing anything dude, just teasing...!"
It was Danny and he sighed with relief.
It seemed a bit awkward, but Mac and Danny were close like that. But it aS always too awkward to date.
"No sorry, nightmares spooked me again..."
Danny waved him off, "No biggy."
Mac made his way to the kitchen and he sat down slowly. "Mark dumped me last night, so... I'm a free guy now..."
Danny stared at Mac hard, and the anger build inside him, "here we go again.why does this always happen, I don't understand...!" His anger build up and he hit the counter. "I'm going to work , I'll be home later." He stormed out angrily.
Mac sighed and rested his chin on the palm of his hand softly. Danny did this usually when he was angry.
Mac decided to get ready for work as well. He worked at a movie theater and he sold the tickets. In about thirty minutes he was ready and at work. He enter the building place and everyone was up in a crowd.
He forgot there was a new worker joining today. He fixed his Tye and approached the crowd. His eyes widen.
This guy was familiar.
He had grey, dark hair, and his skin was a slight pale color. His eyes were a reddish brown and he gave off a chilling look.
Mac was spotted and the male smiled.
"Oh, and who is that?"
His voice was familiar as well.
The manager smiled, "Oh. That is Mac, surprisingly one of the best guys to sell tickets. The, best I know"
What a kiss up. Mac thought.
Mac forced out a smile and reached for his hand to shake it. "Hi, and your name?"
The other went stiff, And he looked as if he was trying to look for a right answer. He looked down at his uniform, at his name tag.
"Vincent..." he mumbled, and shook Macs hand.
Mac pulled his hand back after awhile. Something didn't sit right with mac. This guy felt too familiar, yet Mac,barely knew him at all- this was giving him a head ache. By the time it was closing time, Mac was feeling uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.
The new guy stared at him almost every chance he had. Literally, and Mac didn't know how to deal with it. He ended up ignoring it.
He began to walk out the doors of the theater.
"Mind if I walk with you...?" A deep voice asked and Mac turned to him. He found Vincent standing there, His eyes watching him closely.
"Yeah, sure I suppose..." Mac answered and turned.
They began walking , in utter silence. Until Vincent broke the silence.
"You're so vulnerable..." He said, loud enough for Mac to here. Mac turned to him, "excuse me?"
Vincent snickered, "You're helpless, defenseless, powerless."
"I know what the word means, I'm not dumb."

"Never said you were. But I could kidnap you right now and make you mine if I wanted to."
Mac's eyes widen, and he clenched his fists. "But you wouldn't- you can't-"
"I would, and I can. But that's plain rude. That is why I left you alone last night."
His eyes widen, and Mac backed away. "You- you're the,guy from last night!"
The other male rolled his eyes, "yes, yes get it out of your system. No worries though, I won't be doing that again until I feel like you need it,again."
Mac stared at him for a long time and raised hand to slap him.But he stopped. There was no point to start a fight you can't win. Instead he broke into a run. A powerful run. He ran as fast as he could. But when he looked back, he wasn't being followed. There was no body there anymore.

(End chapter 2)
I'm fine for 2 years, and apparently some people liked the first chapter. I know this from all the emails I received. So here's chapter two, and if you guys still like it I'll go on for a chapter three, so let me know!

i fell in love with a demon (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now