chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Mac slammed the door behind him, panting hardly. He leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees .
The house was dark, besides the tv in the living that was going on. Two figures sat there, one asleep, the other awake. One was obviously Danny, the other was probably some girl he picked up on the way home.
Danny was like that, he was always bringing girls home, just to flirt and cuddle with. Not to have sex with though. Danny had black hair with a red streak going through, and he had black eyes. He was tall and muscular, too.
Mac was the opposite. Mac dyed his hair blue , because he found it nice that way, and it made him stand out. His eyes were blue as well.
Unlike Danny, he was short, and was very thin.
Mac sighed softly when he finally caught his breath, and he caught Danny staring at him. He must have startled him when he suddenly bursted in. Mac leaned upwards, and glanced to his watch. It was only 7, why the hell was it so dark. He wanted to flick on the lights, but he knew that would piss Danny off, and ruin the mood with the girl he brought home.
Mac ran up to his room , and fell onto his bed. He should have known. He should have recognized the male, he should have trusted his gut. It was almost weird, why blow off his cover so soon? Vincent could have played off as a stranger and revealed himself sometime later. Mac should write a report, but there was not much evidence and somewhat his story only sounds like a gay fantasy fan fiction.
The police, Danny, his work and maybe himself would laugh at the story.
He grabbed his pillow, and threw it over his face and yelled onto it. What was he supposed to do? He didn't want this to keep happening, but it still is happening. After a few more screams he threw the pillow away, and lifted up his phone. Maybe he could research into the matter. Find out who this Vincent guy was. He typed in Vincent on Facebook and there were millions of them. He needed a last name. He didn't remember hearing a last name. He was going to be forced to search through all these stupid Vincent's.

For about three hours was when Mac decided to quit, and he went to sleep.
He was woken up by banging at his door, and telling. Mac jerked up, almost panicked.
Then he heard laughter, "damn it Danny! I hate being woken up like that and you know it!"
He stomped to the door, and opened it, throwing his pillow at the male.
"It was the only way to awake you." He snickered, "you're about to be late, and you didn't get up when I tried to wake you up the last time."
Mac stared at him for a moment and groaned, "oh no. !" He slammed the door on Danny and hurriedly dressed himself, hearing his friend laugh on the other side.
"I'll drive you." He said, as he finished laughing, "I'll be in the car!"

Once Mac was finished dressing himself he went into the garage and hopped into the car, "please hurry-" he muttered, buckling himself up.
"I know, I know. You've never been a minute late, so you don't want to start now. I've heard this speech enough." He started the car and began backing out.
In the drive to work Mac layed back, and began thinking over what he should do. He could tell Danny at least...but Danny starts stuff without thinking. What if he killed the guy? It was probably better to keep it to himself and catch Vincent with evidence.
"What are you thinkin' about? Hm?"
Danny asked, snapping Mac from his thoughts.
"Nothing too important."

"Really now? I'm open ears, y'know."

"I'm sure." Mac lied And and turned his head away.

Once they got to his work, Danny stopped the car. Danny was staring out the window, "hm?... Whose that guy?" He asked and caught Macs attention.
Outside the movie theater stood Vincent. He looked like he was waiting for something or someone. Mostly likely him.
Mac hesitated and he shook as he began to unbuckle himself.
"Oh, him? New guy. No big deal. He's no one, he's pretty lame, I have nothing to do with, don't worry about him!" He reached for the handle of the car when he found it locked.
He looked back at Danny, and he had a cheesy grin.
"So you like him? Wow, you move on fast. You just barely broke up with Mark a couple days ago."
Mac blinked for a moment and shook his head,
"no! It's not like that! He's disgusting and... Ahh I'm gonna be late, just unlock the damn door!"
Danny rolled his eyes, and did as told. "Have fun." He muttered, as Mac got up and shut the door.
He rushed in, and so did Vincent.
Mac checked in and sighed with relief.
Vincent stood across the room, crossing his arms. He almost seemed lonely. He almost felt bad. Mac made his way to the ticket booth, and began to sell. He looked up over his should after a while to find Vincent out of sight.

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