twenty three

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Lauren wanted answers.

She'd never push them out of Camila, granted. But that didn't stop her from lying awake at night and wondering what exactly was going on in Camila's mind. What had happened inside that building? What had Camila seen?

It was only a day later, but time was passing so slowly that Lauren felt as if it had been an eternity. They'd spent the day at home. Lauren had convinced Camila to go for a walk in the late afternoon, and now the green eyed girl was cleaning up from dinner while Camila got ready for bed.

Lauren sighed softly, glancing out the window above their sink and catching sight of the sun disappearing just behind the trees. Camila still hadn't spoken a word that day. Luckily, the two had a bond that surpassed just their words, but Lauren was growing tired of one sided conversations.

She just wanted things to work out for them for once, she decided as she rinsed off their dishes. It was as if every time the two girls would just start to settle down, something would come along and turn their whole world around.

Just as Lauren dried off the last of their dishes, Wolf came romping into the foyer. She peered out of the kitchen and moments later their doorbell echoed throughout the house.

Raising an eyebrow, the green eyed girl quickly dried off her hands and jogged over to the door. Her heart dropped in her chest when she saw two uniformed police officers standing on their front porch.

Unsure of what else to do, Lauren slowly pulled open the door and nervously ran a hand through her hair.

"Camila Cabello?"

"Uh..." Lauren shook her head. "That's not me... That's my wife," she glanced back to the hallway, just as Camila appeared, tugging one of Lauren's old t-shirts on over her head.

The smaller girl froze when she saw the two men in the doorway. Taking a deep breath, Lauren turned to her, holding out her hand. Camila's eyes widened and she shook her head, refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"That's her," Lauren said softly, biting her lip and turning back to the men.

"We're investigating the shooting, is she okay with answering a few questions about what she saw?" one of the men asked, glancing at the smaller girl over Lauren's shoulder.

"I, uh..." Lauren looked back to Camila, who had taken a timid step backwards. "If you... well, she's been pretty affected by it. I don't know if she'll answer, but..."

"We'll just ask yes or no questions, then," the man chuckled, looking down at the small notepad in his hand. "We just need as many perspectives on the situation as possible," he shrugged.

Lauren nodded softly, allowing the two men to step into the house. Wolf immediately rushed over to them, sniffing at their feet and then moving protectively to Camila's side. The smaller girl stood quietly, her eyes locked on her hands.

"Camz," Lauren whispered, jogging over and placing a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder. "They just wanna ask a few questions about... what happened. Is that okay? You don't even have to talk. You can just nod your head yes or no."

Camila bit her lip, glancing up at Lauren nervously. When she saw that the green eyed girl didn't appear to be too anxious, the smaller girl nodded hesitantly.

Five minutes later, the smaller girl was seated on the couch in their living room. Wolf immediately hopped up on the arm of the couch beside her.

"Were you in the school at the time of the shooting?"

Lauren studied Camila's face from her spot next to her. When she saw the smaller girl furrow her eyebrows and look down, Lauren reached over and took her hand.

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