thirty six

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Lauren was awoken the next morning by something poking her cheek. She mumbled a few words under her breath, rolling over and burying her head into the pillow. It only continued, though. So she eventually gave up.

"Baaaabe," Lauren yawned, lifting her head and wiping her eyes. But instead of Camila, she came face to face with Wolf, who proceeded to nudge her hand with his nose.

"You're not my wife," Lauren mumbled, shaking her head and looking around the room in a daze.

Wait, where was Camila?

Furrowing her eyebrows together, the green eyed girl pulled the covers off of her legs and quickly tugged on a pair of pajama pants. She had a feeling as to where Camila might be.

As she walked down the hallway, she realized how much had changed in the years her and Camila had been together. If she had woken up to an empty bed three years ago, she would have been set into a panic.

But now, as she pushed open the door to Presley's room, she realized she didn't have to panic anymore. Because there laid Camila, fast asleep with Presley in her arms.

Lauren struggled to fight back her smile at the sight. Presley had one hand curled around Camila's thumb, and the other hugging Sunny to her side. They both looked so peaceful, so unaffected by anything that could be plaguing the world around them.

The green eyed girl quietly moved closer, laying the blanket back over them and brushing Camila's hair out of her face.

It was almost as if in this moment, she realized this was hers. She didn't have to worry about losing people anymore.

As she quietly exited the room and closed the door, she noticed how much things had changed. The same fear she used to have when leaving Camila alone wasn't there. Camila could take care of herself, Lauren trusted her in that way.

Granted, she never did like leaving Camila. But now she knew she would always be there. It was no longer a choice of Camila needing her. It was a choice of Camila choosing her. And the smaller brown eyed girl had made that perfectly clear.

Camila was her's and she was Camila's. They didn't have to question it anymore. Lauren had held her breath for years, and now it was as if she letting out the greatest sigh of relief.

She'd do it all again, though. She'd do it all again in the heartbeat. You wouldn't have to ask her twice. It was Camila. Of course she'd choose her. She'd choose her over and over again, in any lifetime, no matter what. That's just how it was.

Running a hand through her tousled hair, Lauren brushed her teeth and washed her face, which served to wake her up right away. After feeding Wolf, she wandered into the kitchen and searched through the pantry.

Somehow, ten minutes later, she found herself measuring out a fourth cup of vegetable oil and adding it to the bowl. She set the oven to preheat, and just as she was about to turn back to the pantry, she caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye.

A small head with two expressive brown eyes peered into the kitchen, and Lauren paused, tilting her head to the side.

"Hey bug," she smiled softly, squatting down and holding out her hand. "Did you sleep well?"

Nodding softly, the smaller girl stepped out from behind the wall, clutching Sunny in one hand and padding over to Lauren. The green eyed girl knelt down, pulling Presley into a hug and brushing her hair out of her face.

"Is Camila still asleep?" Lauren asked, laughing softly when Presley nodded and pointed back in the direction of the bedroom.

Lauren glanced at the oven before turning back to Presley. "Are you hungry, little one?" she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. The smaller girl nodded and looked at her hopefully, which was enough of an answer for Lauren.

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